Bible teaching about delivers theology, living and ministry lessons as well as delivers powerful and crucial information that is useful and inspirational. The Holy Scripture is compelling and potent. I know, because I have personally experienced its encouragement, direction, and strength through the ey...
Is Hell Too NEGATIVE? (A new website that declares the Glory Of GOD) Creation Sermons/Seminars (A new website that declares the Glory Of GOD) Standing On The Promises Israel and the WORD OF GOD (Message To Israel) WMUU radio messages from the past. (Lin...
- What about Resurrection, Judgment, Heaven and Hell? - Why Do We Need Salvation and Forgiveness of Sins by the Blood of Jesus? - The Authority of the Teaching of the Apostles Bible Study APP helps you find the central truth of a passage and build that truth into your life. We are ex...
Biblical Elections How Can I Be Sure of My Salvation?| Dr. David Jeremiah | 1 John 5:13 Your Life on Faith – Jack Hibbs – Jack Hibbs video: ...
Hell Homosexuality Immortality of the Soul Infallible Church Infant Baptism Intercession of the Saints Mary, Mother of God Mary’s Immaculate Conception Priesthood Purgatory Relics Statues Assumption of Mary Church's Teaching Authority Divinity of Christ Necessity of Baptism Unity of God Perpetual Virginity...
The teaching and lifestyle of Jesus Christ show him to be just and... 2072 Jesus Christ, righteousness of 2072 Jesus Christ, righteousness of Jesus Christ pleased his Father perfectly in his life on... 2078 Jesus Christ, sonship of 2078 Jesus Christ, sonship of J...
The provision of the understanding of a dream, vision, parable, teaching or... 7740 missionaries, call of 7740 missionaries, call of God calls and sends out his people into the world. All believers are... 7755 preaching, importance of 7755 preaching, importance of Preaching ha...
True Bible Teaching is: This passage nowhere mentions the terms “devil”, “satan” or “fallen angel”. The argument in support of a fallen angel is, therefore, aninferred Lucifer is identified in the narrative, but not with a rebel angel. It is explicitly stated: “Take up this proverb...
The Bible tells YOU to examine yourself (by God′s Word) to see if ye be in the faith or MISLED TEACHING. Some say, no one can know the day and hour of the Rapture. Wrong. Note God′s Word: Mt 24:35,36-HEAVEN AND EARTH SHALL PASS AWAY, but My Words shall not pass away. ...
I ask myself, “What is the motive of the proponents of the teaching that GRACE IS A PERSON? Do they stand to gain anything? John 1:17 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. If ‘grace’ is a person, should not ‘truth’ also be a person...