The Bible uses various Hebrew and Greek words which translate into the English word, “Hell.” These includeHades,Tartarus, andSheol, for example—all of which have different meanings. But the Hell which my book discusses is the place Christ referred to asGehenna—that abominable “lake...
Where is Hell, and what is the Bible truth about hell fire? Does hell burn forever? Are the lost burning in hell now?
More Bible Study Articles Bible Study Videos A Prayer for Guidance from the Holy Spirit How Is God's Character Displayed in the Book of Genesis? How Can We Not Worry about Tomorrow? Why Does God Create People That He Knows Will Go to Hell? More Bible Study Videos Featured...
Bible See alsobooks;catholicism;christianity;god and gods;hell;heresy;judaism;protestantism;religion;theology. apocrypha 1. religious writings of disputed origin, regarded by many author-ities as uncanonical. 2.(capitalized)a group of 15 books, not part of the canonical Hebrew Bible, but present ...
I'll let the Bible define it.I'll let Jesus define it.In the Gospel of Mark, chapter 10, Jesus discovers His disciples arguing about who is going to be the "greatest" in the Kingdom of God.They didn't understand that Jesus' Kingdom was quite unlike the kingdoms of the world....
Bible See alsobooks;catholicism;christianity;god and gods;hell;heresy;judaism;protestantism;religion;theology. apocrypha 1. religious writings of disputed origin, regarded by many author-ities as uncanonical. 2.(capitalized)a group of 15 books, not part of the canonical Hebrew Bible, but present ...
CHAPTER 1 - Section 1- An inquiry into the meaning of the words sheol, hades, Tartarus and Gehenna Section 2- All the texts in which hades occurs, considered Section 3- The passage considered in which the word Tartarus is rendered hell ...
Jerome’s Bible, Faustus; view it well. [Reads.] Stipendium peccati mors est. Ha! Stipendium, &c. The reward of sin is death: that’s hard. [Reads.] Si peccasse negamus, fallimur, et nulla est in nobis veritas; If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and there’...
The Bible does not give the physical location of hell or anything about its furnishings, but it assures readers that those whose sins are not atoned for by Jesus Christ will receive perfect justice from God, that they will receive exactly what they deserve for all eternity, which will be a...
Death and Hell: Eternal Torture or Everlasting Destruction? byDirk Waren The Bible teaches about death and hell…that those who reject God’s message of reconciliation and gift of eternal life will be cast into the lake of fire,which is described as “the second death.” This is eternal dam...