truth, love, joy, justice, and beauty. Therefore, the environment of Hell must somehow consist in the reverse of those things: evil, lies, isolation, pain, injustice, and ugliness. But it’s very hard to understand these terms in a practical way. The Bible can help us because it...
A Look at What the Bible Teaches about Hell and Final JudgementF. Wayne Mac Leod
Where is Hell, and what is the Bible truth about hell fire? Does hell burn forever? Are the lost burning in hell now?
Hell is a place of eternal punishment, but there is a difference between eternal punishment and eternal punishing. It is one thing to experience a punishment that is eternal in its consequences; it is another thing to experience eternal punishing. The Bible also speaks of eternal judgment (Hebre...
”(Acts 17:11). The Bible talks about getting a good balance of the scriptures. “A false balance is abomination to the Lord: but a just weight is his delight.”(Proverbs 11:1). “Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me...
Hell in the Bible is a place where unbelievers are destroyed. Don't believe the myth of eternal torture as is traditionally taught. It's a place of...
Byline: By Marie SharpeA STUDENT will tonight go on TV to tell how she was sexually assaulted as she went to read her Bible in a park.The 22-year-old was molested in broad daylight at a popular beauty spot by a knifeman.Police in Edinburgh have been unable to track down her attacker...
Sheol, Hades, Tarturas and Gehenna, Translated HellPreface to the Revised EditionIntroductory EssayCHAPTER 1 - Section 1 - An inquiry into the meaning of the words sheol, hades, Tartarus and GehennaSection 2 - All the texts in which hades occurs, considered...
When the Bible talks about faith, it is not a belief in facts, but a “transferal of trust.” Every religion has built within it the idea that if you do certain things the deity will accept you and give you something. That is the way our world works, in all areas of life and bus...