If the game wasnt supposed to be too arcadey, you could have the weapon weight determine how much you could run and stuff, but I guess that would be seen as too hardcore :P I mean, if there was a fake war of 1983/84 Able Archer / Shchit 84 //Štít 84 BF game, I think ...
1) For the love of god add Movable RADAR im sick of it being in the bottom left corner let us change its position its 2021!Im sick of having to look in... - 6785293
They really need to balance player movement speeds, with aiming speeds, weapon swapping, to TTK/TTD. Right now all of those feel off. Like 1 Reply RaginSam Seasoned Ace to Adamonic3 years ago @Adamonic Not sure why they messed with any of it. Everything finally felt perfect.The only...
Hello @TankerFlankerThere will be different options and attachments you can apply on your weapon so expect attachments like it was in BF4.Things that can be... - 6821916
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","subject":"2042 Weapon Attachments (Mostly AR)","conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversation:11877199"},"id":"message:11877199","revisionNum":1,"uid":11877199,"depth":0,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:battlefield-2042-general-discu...