Here is the list of changes in version 0.7: Added new shooting sounds for handguns. New vehicles have been added. changed the RoF weapon to work better with the BF2 engine. The size of the gun sight has been changed, now it is more stretched, but this is just a visual change. - Ch...
Battlefest reward (November 17, 2016. PTFO Battlefest Mission: Play Battlefield 1 on three different days and win a match of Operations. The Hutier weapon skin for MP 18 awarded after Battlefest.), Battlefest reward (April 4, 2017 - April 9, 2017 Community Mission: Obtaining 25...
Next, at least 3 kills (or "sacrifices") via atakedown meleemust take placein the waterright by the sign. Once again, the player performing the takedown kills must have the "Franky the Shark" charm equipped on their primary weapon. Note: if you don't have the charm unlocked yet, then...
Alternatively, you can change around settings for Portal servers by using the website:portal.battlefield.comOn this website you can change around any setting you wish including adding AI bots, changing weapon availability, soldier health, and much more, then start up a server in-game with those...
things like rate of fire for example. This is important because while one weapon may look more potent based on raw damage alone, it does not account for things like rate of fire, spread, ammo count, reload time and more all of which play big factors in determining a weapon's ...
Added WeaponProficiencies to the Gadget Restrictions part of the Battlefield Portal website. Added the Proximity Sensor to the OpenGadget selection list and deprecated it in the Throwables selection list. Rules Editor Fixed an issue where Crawford was appearing with the wrong name in the Rules Edit...