EA Forums Battlefield Battlefield 2042 Technical Issues & Bugs Forum Discussion GardenStone2 years ago Weapon Mastery not progressing for certain weapons Only for the G57 pistol and the GOL Magnum, I am stuck at exactly halfway through the Tier 2 Mastery stage (360/720 kills) for both ...
I will work on finishing 2042 Core first and then, depending on how much time I have, will consider adding BF3, BC2 and 1942. Maintaining all those would be a pretty big challenge so I might have to find a way to share the workload with someone passionate about those....
I have been playing BattleBit a lot and really think that the gun-play in 2042 should be more like that (with a higher TTK). BattleBits burst-firing feels really good and the gun-play is rewarding. Having higher recoil, instead of just alot of spread, seems like a good solution. If ...
RPK needs damage or faster bullets (I don't mean rpm) I would say accuracy here. But then it'd just be a 60 round AR. PP2000 makes AK74U pointless. AK74U faster bullets. (not by much) Take armor plates out of the game as a gadget. ...
battlefield-2042-general-discussion-en":{"__typename":"Forum","id":"board:battlefield-2042-general-discussion-en","entityType":"FORUM","displayId":"battlefield-2042-general-discussion-en","nodeType":"board","depth":3,"conversationStyle":"FORUM","title":"Battlefield 2042 Ge...
I have been playing BattleBit a lot and really think that the gun-play in 2042 should be more like that (with a higher TTK). BattleBits burst-firing feels really good and the gun-play is rewarding. Having higher recoil, instead of just alot of spread, seems like a good solution. ...
battlefield-2042-general-discussion-en":{"__typename":"Forum","id":"board:battlefield-2042-general-discussion-en","entityType":"FORUM","displayId":"battlefield-2042-general-discussion-en","nodeType":"board","depth":3,"conversationStyle":"FORUM","title":"Battlefield 2042 General...