Seamus Heaney The Cure at Troy, Beowulf, Death of a Naturalist 81 votes Seamus Heaney, a 20th-century Irish poet, is renowned for his evocative depictions of rural life and his exploration of themes such as history, politics, and the nature of art. His works, such as "Death of a Natur...
equivocal tone. The show trials and purges of the Stalin era were still in the future, of course, but other poets, such as Osip Mandelstam in his “Stalin Epigram” (1933), were already ferocious in their denunciation of Lenin’s successor in the wake...
He has recently completed translations of Virgil's Eclogues and the Dao De Jing, in addition to dub versions of Shakespeare's Sonnets. He lives in Vermont where he sometimes updates his blog, The Unruly Servant, and tweets at @Michael_Schiavo. Posted by The Best American Poetry on December...
Seamus Heaney The Cure at Troy, Beowulf, Death of a Naturalist 81 votes Seamus Heaney, a 20th-century Irish poet, is renowned for his evocative depictions of rural life and his exploration of themes such as history, politics, and the nature of art. His works, such as "Death of a Natur...
Seamus Heaney The Cure at Troy, Beowulf, Death of a Naturalist 81 votes Seamus Heaney, a 20th-century Irish poet, is renowned for his evocative depictions of rural life and his exploration of themes such as history, politics, and the nature of art. His works, such as "Death of a Natur...