呼叫中心的Benchmarking,根据Auton & Gustin的定义,可以翻译成:为一个不断的寻找、比较、应用并检视世界上最佳实践以取得竞争优势的有组织的分析过程。 由此看来,翻译成”标杆比对”较之”基准测试”要准确得多。标杆比对首先是一个过程而非一组“基准”数,其次最佳实践包括其量化指标,更包括如何实施的优秀方法与有...
Two concepts are noticeable and operate in these companies: best practice and benchmarking. Best practice is widely considered to be about doing things in the most effective manner, usually focusing upon a specific activity or operation (a critical success factor) such as inventory management, ...
best practice benchmarking基本解释 最佳实务的标竿比较 分词解释 best最好的( good和well的最高级) practice练习 benchmarking(企业管理上的)标杆学习猜你喜欢 field practice大田操作,田间管理 target practice##打靶,射击练习 accepted practice可接受的做法 accounting practice会计实务 actual practice实际开业 bench...
Chapter 8 – The diversity of benchmarking: examples of best practiceMohamed Zairi BSC., MSC., Postgrad.Dipl., PhD, FRSAEffective Management of Benchmarking Projects
Presents an integrated, strategic appraisal of how benchmarking impacts on organizational activities and performance Presents examples of best practice in a wide range of industries all over the world - including service, manufacturing, public sector, health care and education Includes up-to-the-minute...
Benchmarking for Best Practice uses up-to-the-minute case-studies of individual companies and industry-wide quality schemes to show how and why implementation has succeeded. For any practitioner wanting to establish best practice in a wide variety of business areas, this book makes essential reading...
Benchmark calls from GIAB used in the PrecisionFDA challenges and in the examples in Tables 3 and 4 are available at ftp://ftp-trace.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/giab/ftp/release/. VCFs submitted to the PrecisionFDA challenge and benchmarking results are available at https://precision.fda.gov/, where...
Benchmarking for Best Practice uses up-to-the-minute case-studies of individual companies and industry-wide quality schemes to show how and why implementation has succeeded. For any practitioner wanting to establish best practice in a wide variety of business areas, this book makes essential reading...
systems practice, systems managementvisual information modelcognitive graphicsinformation compressionProvides an overview of results achieved so far into research into the processes of benchmarking by the Open University, and reports on a survey showing levels of benchmarking activity and its distribution ...
Benchmarking best practices may not be the best practice for your company.Offers tips and advice on benchmarking practices. Clarification of several misconceptions about benchmarking; Types of benchmarking techniques; Limitations of some benchmarking practices; Metrics used in benchmarking....