这是英文Benchmarking 的最广泛使用的中译。由于这个词的使用面较广, 翻译略为复杂,从而引发不少混乱,很多人按中文字面理解: 每个呼叫中心都应该有基准---基本的标准。在CTI论坛上做一个检索,可见到用“基准”一词的地方有这些:“对呼叫中心建立基准……是一种方法学”; “如何起来呼叫中心的各项管理指标(基准...
systems practice, systems managementvisual information modelcognitive graphicsinformation compressionProvides an overview of results achieved so far into research into the processes of benchmarking by the Open University, and reports on a survey showing levels of benchmarking activity and its distribution ...
Presents an integrated, strategic appraisal of how benchmarking impacts on organizational activities and performance Presents examples of best practice in a wide range of industries all over the world - including service, manufacturing, public sector, health care and education Includes up-to-the-minute...
Benchmarking for Best Practice uses up-to-the-minute case-studies of individual companies and industry-wide quality schemes to show how and why implementation has succeeded. For any practitioner wanting to establish best practice in a wide variety of business areas, this book makes essential reading...
outperformallothersinaparticularbusinessprocess(i.e.,customerservice).”Whateverdefinitionyour organizationchoosestoadopt,acommitmenttothepracticeof“bestpractices”willbetheonlywayitwill everbeabletoultimatelyattain“best-in-class”status. However,inordertoactuallyknowwhetheryourorganizationiscurrentlyperformingat-or...
Benchmarking for Best Practice uses up-to-the-minute case-studies of individual companies and industry-wide quality schemes to show how and why implementation has succeeded. For any practitioner wanting to establish best practice in a wide variety of business areas, this book makes essential reading...
Benchmarking best practices may not be the best practice for your company.Offers tips and advice on benchmarking practices. Clarification of several misconceptions about benchmarking; Types of benchmarking techniques; Limitations of some benchmarking practices; Metrics used in benchmarking....
Zairi, M. (1996): Benchmarking for Best Practice: Continuous Learning through Sustainable Innovation. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.Zairi, M. (1996) Benchmarking for Best Practice: Continuous Learning Through Sustainable Innovation. Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford....
Data Management Gaming Network Personal Tech Get Techopedia's Daily Newsletter in your inbox every Weekday. Trending NewsLatest GuidesReviewsTerm of the Day By signing up, you agree to our Terms of Use and acknowledge the data practices in our Privacy Policy. You may unsubscribe at any time....
Only The Hackett Group offers online access to a searchable best practices benchmarking repository backed by over 15 years of research through the The Hackett Highway® to our business Best Practices Intelligence Center™. Hackett Best Practices® recommended by The Hackett Group are based on ...