2. Paladin Macros 1. Paladin Addons for Cataclysm Classic Paladinnow has more resources to manage than ever with the addition of Holy Power being able to effectively track not only your Holy Power but the cooldowns of your generating abilities has never been more important, Addons are a great...
1Druid Addons Guide2Hunter Addons Guide3Mage Addons Guide4Paladin Addons Guide5Priest Addons & Macro Guide6Rogue Addons Guide7Shaman Addons Guide8Warlock Addons Guide9Warrior Addons Guide TABLE OF CONTENTS OF THIS PAGE 1. Classic Shaman Addons and Auras ...
Weak Auras 2. Paladin With addons, Paladins can easily manage their auras and blessings, ensuring no buff is forgotten. They also simplify healing and cooldown tracking, making it easier to balance support and combat. Pally Power Classic –This add-on provides an interactive and easy to use ...
Retribution Paladin The Retribution spec is a fantastic support class in any expansion, especially with their Auras giving the entire team some much-needed buffs. Sadly, as a DPS, its single-target damage is lacking and can be clunky to play in Mythic content. Compared to the other DPS class...
I like it as a support card in decks focused on auras like Mazzy, Truesword Paladin. #5. Bright-Palm, Soul Awakener Bright-Palm, Soul Awakener is a Naya commander that happens to be the only fox with more than two colors. Bright-Palm, Soul Awakener is also the only legendary creature...
Auras: Just being near you makes your party stronger and better, and you can choose between several beneficial effects. Hammer of Wrath: A powerful execution ability with a cool animation. What’s not to love? Consecration(Holy): Consecrate the land beneath the paladin. This entire world must...
Weak Auras is a very popular addon in modern WoW that allows you to create and customizes trackers for different auras such as your damage cooldowns or debuffs you might get from raid bosses. This addon gives you lots of customization and will let you track whatever you want, however you ...
1.5. WeakAuras There is a Weak Auras versionunder developmentfor WoW Classic. While it is still uncertain what functionalities it will have, we will keep track of the project and update as required. 1.6. MapCoords Classic MapCoords Classicplaces coordinates on your world map and minimap, which ...
There are also many general weak auras available, such as: Combat Timeshows a timer when you are in combat, useful to instantly know when you are in / out of combat; Max Cameraautomatically sets the maximum amount you can zoom out with your camera higher than the UI normally allows, whic...
There are also many general weak auras available, such as: Combat Timeshows a timer when you are in combat, useful to instantly know when you are in / out of combat; Max Cameraautomatically sets the maximum amount you can zoom out with your camera higher than the UI normally allows, whic...