Láthus Holy Paladin Weak Auras 7.0(Legion) About me: I have been raiding since 2006 (As a healer ONLY) in and out of top 100 US guilds. I have always used addons to enhance my gameplay, I firmly believe addons should be used to enhance gameplay
Weak Aura Compilations: Warrior, Mage, Hunter, Death Knight, Prot Paladin & Destro Warlock Reply With Quote 2016-08-17, 11:22 PM #1543 Chrotesque The Patient Join Date Oct 2011 Location France Posts 339 Yeah, because I´m stupid. :P Here´s the fstack picture: Now you see a...
Anyway, hope you guys like the auras and let me know if you have some ideas or if there's any bugs. Weak Aura Compilations: Warrior, Mage, Hunter, Death Knight, Prot Paladin & Destro Warlock Reply With Quote 2016-08-17, 10:08 AM #1526 Deleted Hey, Absoluutly love the Demo ...