Spell Activation Overlayis an incredible way to track your procs for things likeDivine PurposeorGrand Crusader. While there are also functionalities to this found in Weak Auras Spell Activation Overlay is a much simpler approach that requires considerably less customization. ...
Chrono Shard aura tracker(classic style, not an icon) CHANGED: Made the top auras for long term CD slightly taller, for visual reasons Tweaked some text/visual stuff on the buff timers overlaying the icons. Made icons on cool down MORE transparent to be even more clear what abilities are ...
Láthus Holy Paladin Weak Auras 7.0(Legion) About me: I have been raiding since 2006 (As a healer ONLY) in and out of top 100 US guilds. I have always used addons to enhance my gameplay, I firmly believe addons should be used to enhance gameplay
Weak Auras WeakAurasis an extremely useful addon that allows you to have visual effects on your screen, helping you track your buffs, debuffs and cooldowns. It is highly customisable and it can make it much, much easier to keep track of your procs and play your spec more proficiently. It...
The classic Holy/Ret build synergises excellently with the current strength of Crit Rating as a holy paladin stat, but there’s a new contender on the scene: the51/17/+3 Shield spec. This build sacrifices the extra 5-8% Crit chance from the Ret tree, which will be significantly less ...
Auras: A friend of mine recently (last night) got his pally to 80 and decided to go holy, and the first question he asked me after reading my guide was “what aura do i use?”. Short answer: all of them. Long answer: Depends on fight, on fights with massive fire/shadow/frost dmg...
Classic guideLimited to the Alliance, Paladins are bastions of divine light, meting out justice with magic and might.[7] BackgroundSee also: Paladin racesDeath knights versus paladins in the Second War.The first paladins may have been draenei, who were introduced to the Light by the Naaru ...