All the rogue subclasses work well inKeys From The Golden Vault, but the Inquisitive fromXanathar’s Guide to Everythingis the best. These detective-style rogues excel at telling lies from truth, are masters of finding hidden objects, and can use Insight checks to use sneak attacks without th...
The Chronurgy Wizard is, in our opinion, the most powerful of theDnD Wizard subclasses, so go hard on that with your levels. However, make sure your first level is either in Artificer or Peace Cleric. The first gives you advantage on Constitution saving throws and access to Artificer spell...
More than any other class, the druid earns its high spot thanks to a single subclass: Circle of the Moon. The gulf in power between Circle of the Moon and the other subclasses is one of the widest I’ve ever seen. Moon druids take a full spell list and add on the ability to shape...
D&D: Best Druid Spells For Every Level Top 10 D&D Best Class Combinations 5e (Best D&D Multiclass)
It’s quite surprising that given the role of fighters within a party that there aren’t more tankish subclasses. The Legionnaire is just that subclass, specializing in the use of a shield and protecting their teammates. Legionnaire Strengths: ...
Best BG3 Bard build Race High Half-Elf Subclass College of Lore Background Entertainer While you can create a viable fighting Baldur’s Gate 3 Bard with the other subclasses, this build goes hard on the Bard’s classic supporting role. You’ll want to nab spells like Counterspell and Mass...
Warlockshave the option to select anUndead Patron, like a lich or vampire, to serve in exchange for the ability to steer clear of death so they can carry on forever. Those who choose this path are rarely righteous and benevolent, and while they may not fall into an evil alignment, the ...
Ultimately, players can stack their characters of any race, providing they know what they are looking for. Druids are going to be wisdom centric and any ability to speak with animals or plants is going to be highly coveted. That being said, players will be off to the perfect start by pi...