Bard subclasses While there are manyDnD Bard subclassesin 5e, only four were updated for the 2024 Player’s Handbook, which is the most up-to-date version of the game’s rules. These are: College of Dance:The power of busting a move makes you extra agile and capable of dealing devastati...
Reasons to buy Some of the best subclasses in 5e Features the Artificer class Reasons to avoid Some reprinted content from older books DM advice is hit-and-miss Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything brings a lot more flavor to character creation. The subclass options really blur the lines betwe...
27 How does Jack of All Trades interact with Reliable Talent? 18 What specifically does the bard's Jack of All Trades feature apply to? 6 Does Jack Of All Trades allow me to keep the bonus after I become proficient in the skill later? 20 Does Bard's Jack of all Trades increas...
101 What are the playable D&D races in 5e, and where can I find them? 42 What are the official, WotC-published classes and subclasses in 5e? 26 What are the official languages available to players? 3 Which equipment do I choose when creating a character in...
Since you cannot add proficiency to rolling initiative, a bard will always get the JOAT bonus to initiative. Since there aren’t many ways to improve your initiative score, this is pretty great for bards, especially since (a) bards tend to have high dexterity and thus a good initiative bo...
Smith, BAshburner, MRosse, CBard, JBug, WCeusters, WGoldberg, L.JEilbeck, KIreland, AMungall, C.J
The Cleric 5e has subclasses that work with the Air Genasi and Fire Genasi, while the Earth Genasi offers minor benefits to martial classes like the Fighter. You’ll find a complete look at the ways of the Genasi in our dedicated DnD Genasi 5e species guide. Giff Size Medium Speed ...