The Draconic origin is a serviceable, if unexciting, subclass. It’s the option I would have recommended when 5E was released, and it’s still good enough to not actively hinderplayers looking for that dragon flavor. However, it falls short of newer offerings, securing its fifth-place spot....
"Can my Bard specialize in a school of Magic, like a Wizard does?" "What if the Anti-paladin has a demonic Patron? Shouldn't that reflect in his Oath-breaker features?" Well, normally, the answer to any of these would be "sorry, you're out of Luck". Never liking that answer, I...
One of the limiting factor of spells is their damage types. It should either add to the damage or change the damage type. Focusing Oration Too strong. A 4th level Bard2 can improve an ally's attack 4 times per long rest, you can do it 4 times per short. This...
A player who wants to simplify things can take up the blade and become a College of Valor Bard. Not only do these guys get more combat proficiencies, but they’ll eventually get a second attack, like the warrior classes. More importantly, their Combat Inspiration is focused on letting allies...
It would be a bard subclass but I don't really know 5e to well. My 4e Halfling bard had virtue of cunning, so I could move a ally 1 square (range would be 5 + int. mod. squares away) when a enemy missed as a free action. This was the key feature I liked about the class, ...