青春不散场-The Best AD Carry (下部) RNG ADC Uzi 顺境简自豪,逆境狂小狗,绝境UZI 纪录片 LOL英雄联盟职业生涯集锦 2273 12 6:09 App 【RNG UZI】乌兹奥特曼大结局,山泥若含泪喊出乌兹永远滴神 7.4万 417 4:48 App Letme 起风了--完整版 百万播放 147.8万 1.3万 16:53 App [超长高燃催泪混剪】传奇...
LoL ADC Tier ListPatch 14.23 RankedARAMArenaUltimate Spellbook Our statistical LoL ADC Tier List is updated hourly with the best champions to play in LoL. Our proprietary algorithm uses data such as win rate, ban rate, pick rate, and KDA to calculate the best and worst picks for League of...
except the ADC and maybe mid lane. Since his rework in early season 14, players have been abusing Skarner in the other roles, amassing jaw-dropping win rates. So if you’re looking for something that can be managed in multiple situations, Skarner is a perfect choice...
无论从哪场比赛、哪个角度、哪个时间段讲,UZI的表现都是最完美的。【Best ADC in the world】拳头给出的这份评价,可能是有英雄联盟以来ADC选手最有份量的认可了。
Apart from being the best NA professional player currently, Perkz is probably one of the best League of Legends players in general. Able to play both mid lane and adc with amazing mechanics and decision-making, Perkz can adapt to any situation. ...
[Top 10] LOL Best ADC Players In The World Right Now Wondering who is the best in the world right now? With Worlds on the horizon for 2021, everyone is looking to see who the next big player in League of Legends is. Often seen as the carries of the team, the ADC player is a cr...
ADC排名,排名榜首的依然是RNG的uzi,第二名SSG的尺帝,第三名EDG的Iboy。 各大位置排名基本被我们LPL赛区和LCK赛区把持。值得一提的是EDG早在16强就被淘汰出局,但EDG的辅助妹控和ADCiboy,依然占据了各自榜单的第二位。实力确实是有的。 希望下个S8赛季,我们LPL赛区能够有所突破。 举报/反馈 发表评论 发表 作者...
LoL Tier List: Bottom The bottom lane is home to the ADCs (Attack Damage Carries). Often a ranged champion with low base HP, the main role of an ADC is to kill other squishy enemies. They used to be the most essential role in the game, wracking up XP and Gold and snowballing into...
#LOL#"World's Best ADC" Uzi职业生涯高光回顾! L新浪游戏的微博视频 小窗口 û收藏 1326 2337 ñ1672 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...相关推荐 e刷新 +关注 Namie_Amuro 06月13日 21:02 安室奈美惠超话#平成歌姬安室奈美惠# ...
Good poke damage in the early game Bubble can be lethal if enemy ADC is caught off-guard Cons Main CC ability is hard to hit W heal falls off past the laning phase Nami Runes and Items Nami's stellar performance in the botlane has remained consistant going into 14.17. With that, recent...