青春不散场-The Best AD Carry (中部) RNG ADC Uzi 顺境简自豪,逆境狂小狗,绝境UZI 纪录片 LOL英雄联盟职业生涯集锦 1713 3 5:22 App 起风了(LOL职业选手填词) 5.9万 1711 45:30 App 青春不散场-The Best AD Carry (下部) RNG ADC Uzi 顺境简自豪,逆境狂小狗,绝境UZI 纪录片 LOL英雄联盟职业生涯集锦...
无论从哪场比赛、哪个角度、哪个时间段讲,UZI的表现都是最完美的。【Best ADC in the world】拳头给出的这份评价,可能是有英雄联盟以来ADC选手最有份量的认可了。
无论从哪场比赛、哪个角度、哪个时间段讲,UZI的表现都是最完美的。【Best ADC in the world】拳头给出的这份评价,可能是有英雄联盟以来ADC选手最有份量的认可了。
"Best ADC ..我觉得很有排面,UZI是LPL的排面我是信服的,其他选手从国际玩家的影响力来说都不太行,但UZI实力和影响力都信服。毕竟吹他的太多,各大赛区的顶尖AD带头吹多棒啊。
"I just want to win another championship with everyone. I want to achieve good results with Zhuo… Zhuo works hard every day, but we haven't achieved much together… JackeyLove is, in my opinion, the best AD in the world. He is the strongest ADC in my heart when he focuses on the ...
Here are the top 15 best ADC players in the world that showcase how powerful this role can be. 1. Ruler - LPL Image View Gallery He is a player who has beencompared to an AIdue to how flawless he plays. Park Jae-hyuk, also known as “Ruler”, is JDG’s botlane carry. JDG is...
英雄联盟手游激励计划:LOL手游螳螂:全方位讲解加全局实战解说!8 图图涂人生 4 0 英雄联盟手游激励计划:LOL手游螳螂:全方位讲解加全局实战解说!5 图图涂人生 4 0 英雄联盟电竞经理激励计划:英雄联盟手游最新活动电竞经理来了参与即得金克斯限定道具! lol手游星光闪耀 lol手游星之守护者7 图图涂人生 250 0 2023...
These Are the 10 Best AP Supports in LoL: 10. Heimerdinger If you’re a seasoned LoL player, the idea of playing Heimerdinger support is probably still new to you. In the past, this champion was an excellent mid and top lane pick, but he does work as a support too. ...
Since October 2009, League of Legends has captivated millions of players. The top players come together to compete and these seven are the best of the best.
ADC:IBoy(EDG战队) 辅助:meiko(EDG战队) 最佳阵容第三阵容: 上单:Ray(EDG战队) 打野:Ning(IG战队) 中单:Rookie(IG战队) ADC:UZI(RNG战队) 辅助:Crisp(FPX战队) EDG战队本次季后赛成绩不佳,但是下路组的表现还是可圈可点的,作为S8的世界冠军中单Rookie未能获选更高的阵容也是十分遗憾,而无论是个人实力还是线...