The best League of Legends ADC champion for beginners is Caitlyn. Staying completely safe in the bot lane is a tricky thing, you are often the focus of the enemy jungle champion, as well as the opposition’s ADC and support. Taking an ADC with range and escape potential will serve you w...
Newly buffed Trinity Force made Ezreal one of the best bot laners in the game again. His two-item power spike of Triforce and Muramana is very hard to match by any other ADC, and he has a lot more agency during mid game. You can also still go the Essence Reaver and Navori build if...
At number two we have Nautilus “The Titan Of The Depths”. Once a proud sailor or pirate turned into an abomination of the depths. The anchor that killed him is now his only weapon. You know how I said that Blitzcrank was the best hooker. Well, I lied too bad, so sad. Nautilus ...
He has received more than 18 awards including “Best Player”, “1st All-Pro Team”, and “Rookie of the Year”. As mentioned in the achievements, this player also won first place in two international tournaments. You can see his consistency as an ADC player throughout the years. If you...
3、注意薇恩的位置:作为一个ADC,薇恩的位置非常重要。建议在团战中时刻保持与队友的距离,避免被敌人直接攻击。同时,要时刻留意敌人的位置,选择合适的时机进行输出。 通过合理的出装选择和灵活的打法技巧,薇恩可以成为一名无敌的ADC。希望小编的薇恩出装攻略对大家有所帮助,让你在LOL手游中成为一名出色的薇恩玩家!
Since October 2009, League of Legends has captivated millions of players. The top players come together to compete and these seven are the best of the best.
Ezreal isn't an insane damage threat but the value an Ezreal brings is stability. He can adjust his playstyle to be passive or aggressive depending on the game state and has fantastic scaling. Even if he isn't the best champ at the time, Ezreal is a stable pick for any ADC player to...
“bot lane” meta, where ADCs dictate the game’s outcome. However, Riot Phroxzon is not turning a blind eye to the concerns of ADC players. In an effort to promote diversity and competitiveness, Riot has chosen to focus on buffing critical str...
Minions in League of Legends play an essential role in shaping the game’s pace and strategic elements. Spawned by each team’s Nexus, minions advance through the lanes toward the enemy base, attacking enemy units and structures along the way. While often overlooked, understanding minions, their...
ADC (Attack Damage Carry): Kai'Sa Jhin Caitlyn Miss Fortune Ezreal Support: Thresh Leona Lulu Nautilus Janna It is important to note that these are just examples, and the best champion for you may depend on your personal preferences, skill level, and the specific match situation. To find th...