In 1925 Professor Archibald Strong translated Beowulf into 3 verse; but in 1921 he had declared: Beowulf is the picture of a whole civilization, of the Germania which Tacitus describes. The main interest which the poem has for us is thus not a purely literary interest. Beowulf is an ...
When the entire organizational apparatus of the poem—instead of being uneasily approximated in modern verse form—is itself translated into a modern organizing principle, i.e., the visual text? This is the approach that poet Thomas Meyer takes; as he writes, ...
The brooch inThe Black Cauldrontells the audience, in the same way, that Taran will be tested. Though Gawain isn’t forced to wager with his shield in the same way Taran is with his brooch in the Marshas of Morva, the brooch, like Gawain’s shield, offers protection. Where a shield w...
1 750 AD BEOWULF WORLD LIBRARY DOCUMENT Translated by William Ellery Leonard Historical Document Beowulf (~650-~750) - A Germanic tribal epic poem of the adventures of Beowulf. Though this poem does include some actual historic figures, its events are legendary. 2 Table Of Contents PREFACE ...