More and more people are interested in learning about the benefits of quitting alcohol for good. Millions of people across the world admit that they would like to cut back or eliminate alcohol from their life entirely. Giving up alcohol in any quantity comes with significant benefits. The benefi...
Quitting just a one Monster Energy Drink/day habit saves 200 calories per day, 1,400 calories a week, or73,000 calories a year! Quitting just 1 Starbucks Vanilla Latte/day saves 250 calories per day, 1,750 calories a week, or91,250 calories a year! Quitting a 16 fl.oz. Coke/day h...
Adversely, when one changes their drinking habits for the better, the body then has the ability to fight off infections and focus on what it’s meant to do—keep you healthy and safe. 3 Reasons Why Quitting Alcohol Benefits Women While the above four benefits of reducing or quitting alcohol...
We’ve all the mistake of drinking a cup of coffee too late in the day, only to be unable to fall asleep at night. If this lack of sleep becomes a habit, you’ll have to deal with the side effects of insomnia. Quitting caffeine completely will help you get better sleep and night ...
Even a number of celebs have spoken out about quitting drinking altogether. If you feel like you're drinking more frequently than you'd like to, or just overdid it during the festive season, you might be curious to know how cutting down your booze consumption can benefit you. Whether it'...
Employees have faced increasing challenges over the past several years, both professionally and personally, and these have shaped the trends dominating HR conversations: burnout, the “Great Resignation” and “quiet quitting.” Developing a wellbeing strategy and providing tools that promote proactive ...
Treatment for osteoporosis may involve medications that stop bone loss and increase bone strength and bone formation, as well as quitting smoking, regular exercise, cutting back on alcohol intake, and eating a calcium- and vitamin D-rich balanced diet. Staph Infection Staph (Staphylococcus) ...
Quit smoking:Smoking cigarettes raises your LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and is a major risk factor for heart disease. If you smoke, quitting is one of the best things you can do for your heart health. 3. Promotes better sleep While a good lifestyle can help you sleep better, better sle...
"In the long term, writing about values has been shown to boost GPAs, reduce doctor visits, improve mental health, and help with everything from weight loss to quitting smoking and reducing drinking. By connecting the worries and hassles of the day back to personal values, study participants...
Learn the myths and facts about quitting smoking with the Smoking Quiz. When it comes to smoking, quitters always win!Living With Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Content independently created by WebMD and supported by our partners. Learn More How CLL Is Different From Other Types of Leukemia Medical...