In a study of clinically depressed patients, it was discovered that 12 weeks of cognitive therapy (which involves reframing a person's thought processes) worked better than drugs, as changes were more long-lasting than a temporary fi...
There’s no reason the spiritual path has to be any different. Over the years, I’ve experienced the extremes of depriving myself due to the belief aroundaspiritual person wouldn’t… (get angry, eat nachos or other unhealthy food, binge watch Netflix when feeling down, argue with their ...
Life Coach Joe Turchi has been helping individuals improve their lives, careers, marriages, and finances for more than twenty years.
" from Anglo-Frenchbenfet(Old Frenchbienfait), from Latinbenefactum"good deed," frombene facere, frombene"well" (seebene-) +facere"to do" (from PIE root*dhe-"to set, put"). The meaning "public performance or entertainment to raise money for some deserving unfortunate person or charitable...
This topic is part of the Starting The Journey stage of theSpiritual Wanderer's Journey Are you a grateful person? Gratitude is a concept that makes most of us want to roll our eyes or mentally shut off. Since childhood, we’ve associated gratitude with cliche semi-religious teachings such ...
Even if the daughter-in-law enters the relationship with defiance, a wise mother-in-law can bring love into a friendly, supportive relationship in which love becomes mutual—because both need it.
The practical aspects of Yoga play a more important part than does itsintellectualcontent, which is largely based on thephilosophyofSamkhya, with the exception that Yoga assumes theexistence of God, who is the model for the aspirant who seeks spiritual release. Yoga holds with Samkhya that the ...
In this investigation, workforce happiness and well-being are considered synonymous. We assumed this definition momentarily because happiness is a wider concept that includes spiritual well-being, and the concept of happiness is wider in several ways also under discussion in management (Chang and Hsieh...
It further includes the important domains of mental well-being, social well-being, physical well-being, spiritual well-being, activities and functioning, and personal circumstances [17]. Therefore wellbeing is a very broad category encompassing concepts as varied as “freedom from noise” and “...
One benefit of regularly practicing gratitude is that it can lead toimproved life satisfactionand evenspiritual transcendence. Studies have found thatthespiritually enlightened are more likely to exhibit gratitude; conversely, gratitudecan bring a person closer to their religious beliefs. ...