1. Akubor, Peter I., (2005), Evaluation ofphysico-chemicaland sensory qualities of African breadfruit and sweet potato based supplementary foods. J. of Food Sci. and Tech.,42 (2) : 292-294. 2. Aldana, D.L.M., Gómez, B.T., Oca, M.M.M., Ayerdi, S.G.S., Meraz, F.G. ...
The food condiments are dawadawa (African locust bean), ogiri‐ugu (fluted pumpkin), ogiri‐isi (castor seeds), ogiri‐egusi (melon seeds), ugba (African oil bean), ukwa (African breadfruit) daddawa (soy‐bean), eketeke (oil palm nut), as well as fermented meats and fish. The ...
Plantains, also known as plátanos, are closely related cultivars of fruit or dessertbanana. In general, they are treated as vegetables in the kitchen much like fellow tropical produces such aspotatoes,taro, breadfruit,yam, sweet-potatoes, etc. Indeed, plátano has been one of the staple sources...
Intestine is one of the important organs that exist in the human body. To keep the intestines healthy, the intestines should be cleaned. One of the best methods of cleaning intestine is consuming Tahitian chestnut, because this fruit consists of saponins that can cleanse the intestine. 3. Sourc...
Postharvest Technology of Fruits and Vegetables Summary This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Acerolas Ackee, akee African breadfruit Amelanchier Amaranth American grapes Anise, anis Aus, c... AK Thompson - John Wiley & Sons, Ltd