Bempp-cl is a complete rewrite of the Bempp library that usesPyOpenCLfor just-in-time compilation of computational kernels. This new version is largely feature complete, however the legacy version (Bempp 3.3.4) has the following additional features: ...
README License Introduction === BEM++ is an open-source boundary element library. For details seewww.bempp.orgHistory === 3.3.4 (02 Aug 2018) --- * Fixed bug in scalar multitrace operator when target keyword is used 3.3.3 (23 Apr 2018) --- * Fixed grid refinement * Notebook plott...
Bempp-cl is an open-source boundary element method library that can be used to assemble all the standard integral kernels for Laplace, Helmholtz, modified Helmholtz, and Maxwell problems. The library has a user-friendly Python interface that allows the user to use BEM to solve a variety of pr...
Bempp bem++ 所使用的AHMED Bempp bem++ 所使用的AHMED评分: Hierarchical matrices are an efficient framework for large-scale fully populated matrices. The efficiency is based on the restriction to low-rank matrices on each block of a suitable hierarchical matrix partition....
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