Bempp-cl is a complete rewrite of the Bempp library that uses PyOpenCL for just-in-time compilation of computational kernels. This new version is largely feature complete, however the legacy version (Bempp 3.3.4) has the following additional features: Built-in fast hierarchical matrix compression ...
bempp/bempp-legacy Introduction === BEM++ is an open-source boundary element library. For details seewww.bempp.orgHistory === 3.3.4 (02 Aug 2018) --- * Fixed bug in scalar multitrace operator when target keyword is used 3.3.3 (23 Apr 2018) --- * Fixed grid refinement * Notebook ...
Bempp-cl is an open-source boundary element method library that can be used to assemble all the standard integral kernels for Laplace, Helmholtz, modified Helmholtz, and Maxwell problems. The library has a user-friendly Python interface that allows the user to use BEM to solve a variety of pr...
Full documentation for the latest version of Bempp (Bempp-cl 0.3.2) can be found in the Bempp Handbook. Writing the Bempp Handbook is currently in progress and more information will appear in it gradually. Bempp acoustics exercises Matthew Scroggs and Jonathan Hargreaves have written some tutorials...
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