你的企业是在Doing agile还是在Being agile?这个问题其实是在问:你的敏捷是流于形式还是将敏捷内化到企业文化? 那么,什么是Doing agile,什么是Being agile? Doing agile vs Being agile 从字面意思,我们很容易理解:Doing 强调的是“做”,是具体的实践;而being是“成为”,由内而外的最终呈现结果。Michael Sahota曾...
Doing Agile and being Agile, compared The difference betweenbeing Agileanddoing Agileis akin to the difference between simply believing in the values and principles espoused by the Agile manifesto, and actually putting those beliefs into practice. Being Agile as an IT professional means your actions ...
If you are doing Agile without being Agile, your project is likely to fail. Doing Agile without being Agile For Agile software development to be a success, it’s not enough for participants to simply do Agile. The organization itself must also be Agile. That may seem self-eviden...
In a nutshell, doing agile means practising all the processes and guidelines of agile methodology, using modern tools and technology, but without actually believing in these values and principles and without implementing them culturally. In other words, it seems everyone is doing everything perfectly ...
要Being,不要Doing 前阵子,针对敏捷,有种说法叫做Being Agile还是Doing Agile,而且提倡大家要Being Agile,而不是Doing Agile。 Being,意味着本身具备那样的一种状态,无招胜有招的状态,而不是死板地一招一式地做,如果那样的话,就是Doing。 当具备一种状态的时候,不一定做的是规定范围内的动作,但一举手一投足...
Doing Agile is about thepractices: standups, user stories, iterations, etc. There are significant benefits from using Agile practices – I see it as “common sense” of getting work done. Adopting these practices will lead to benefits. Perhaps 20% or more from what I have seen. This is ...
There is a pattern among organizations that pick and choose what aspects of agile to adopt: they think they’re “being agile” when in fact they’re only “doing agile.” Because they fall short of a full commitment to agile, they fall short of agile’s full potential r...
In the last post we introduced the Agile approach and gave a brief history with a current status, which is pretty messy. How do we navigate this messy scene? The answer (or at least a big part of it) lies in understanding the difference between “Being Agile” and “Doing Agile”. And...
All of this despite the fact we were “Doing Agile.” We had daily standups. We had two week sprints. We had a backlog. We had Sprint Reviews. No one, however, would argue we were agile. My goal was to change that. The Solution My plan consisted of five key points: Set ...
就像我们听过的,企业的敏捷转型Doing Agile并不是真的Agile,Thinking Agile是进阶,而最终的目的是Being Agile——知行合一。 延伸“假设”到每个人自身 今年在给团队做一些敏捷培训的时候。经常会听到到大家第一感觉是培训的例子很理想,但是现实是残酷的,我们无法这么做。然后就是各种很“强有力的”理由来说明这个...