BC2001 is the largest muscle invasive bladder cancer (MIBC) radiotherapy trial undertaken to date and showed that addition of chemotherapy to radiotherapy achieves local control of invasive disease in over 80% of patients. Secondary time to event outcomes included non-invasive loco-regional recurrence...
[4] 奥拉帕利、尼拉帕利、氟唑帕利、帕米帕利药品说明书. [5] Qing-lei Gao, et al.,Overall survival (OS) in patients with platinum-sensitive relapsed ovarian cancer (PSROC) treated with olaparib maintenance monotherapy: Update from the L...
多年来,铁科院积极组织技术专家利用UIC平台开展多领域的国际合作,先后主持或参与科学研究、标准制修订、产品认证等各类UIC项目50余项,主持完成UIC标准制修订9项,其中由铁科院主持的《Railway Application - High Speed - Dynamic Integration Tests and Trial Operation before Revenue》(...
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2001年11月22日-12月13日,应德国世界贸易中心鲁尔工业区有限公司(Worlol Trade Center Ruhrgebiet GmbH)和德国阔博工业服务公司(BOER Iholnstrial Setrvice Handels GmbH)邀请,全国冶金环境保护综合利用信息网组织的赴德国进行冶金环保培训考察团一行9人,先后在蒂森-克虏伯钢铁公司(Thyssen Krupp Stahl),污水处理公司(...
WH Rehnquist - 《Am.j.trial Advoc》 被引量: 24发表: 2001年 The Year-End Anomaly of Taiwanese Family-Controlled Groupings. 2001YEH Y H,SHU P G,HUANG W Y. The Year-end Anomaly of Taiwanese Family-Controlled Groupings [J].Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and ... Yeh,Yin-Hua...
In a significant 32 of legal controls over the press, Lord Irvine, the Lord Chancellor, will introduce a 33 bill that will propose making payments to witnesses 34 and will strictly control the amount of 35 that can be given to a case 36 a trial begins. In a letter to Gerald Kaufman, ...
Justice in society must include both a fair trial to the accused and the selection of an appropriate punishment for those proven guilty.Because justice is regarded as one form.of equality, we find in ... A. a criminal must be severely punished B. a criminal must be given a p...
D. starting trial for ignition occurs 查看完整题目与答案 The boiler feed water check valves are located in the( ) A. feed pump suction line B. hot well C. shell of the feed heater D. feed lines to the boiler 查看完整题目与答案 The( ),is fitted in the main seam su...
The Mandatory Pretrial Release Provision of the Adam Walsh Act Amendments: How 'Mandatory' Is It, and Is It Constitutional? Eighty years ago, Justice Brandeis warned us to "be most on our guard to protect liberty when the government's purposes are beneficent," as great dangers to liberty of...