According to current models of episodic memory, the hippocampus binds together the neural representation of an experience during encoding such that it can be reinstated in cortex during subsequent retrieval. However, direct evidence linking hippocampal engagement during encoding with subsequent cortical reins...
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BackgroundIn cancer, phase 1 clinical trials on new drugs mostly involve patients with advanced disease that is unresponsive to standard therapy. The purpose of this study was to explore the difficult ethical problems related to patient information and motives for participation in such trials.MethodA...
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A trial implant for evaluating a size of an intradiscal space for subsequent implantation of a prosthetic spinal disc nucleus. The trial implant is comprised of an elongated central body and a retrieving body. The elongated body is formed from a rigid, surgically safe material and preferably has...
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Initial results from the heart-1 trial, a first-in-human phase 1b trial, proved the safety and tolerability of VERVE-101, said cardiologist Andrew Bellinger, MD, chief scientific officer of Verve Therapeutics, during a se...