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注意:AI生成字幕,存在一定的识别错误,仅供参考中文 CC 字幕,机翻播客:BBC Global News Podcast英音英语泛听播客|BBC国际新闻英语|四六级托福雅思考研听力口语材料|英文播客 English Podcas 2024.07.02: Donald Trump calls Supreme Court immunity ruling a "b
App BBC News 24.9.23 World leaders express growing concern about the danger of a reg 4319 0 28:10 App 【BBC新闻播客】20240925: Israeli air strikes in Lebanon | BBC Global News Podcast 7170 2 17:43 App 【Life Kit】英语播客|听众来信:我正处于崩溃的边缘,与周围人关系处于临界点|生活健康...
In a business-themed podcast interview (conducted by the BBC), Microsoft boss Brad Smith declared that the UK government's blocking of the merger represented a bad move "for Britain" in terms of attracting international business. Microsoft has been operating in country for four decades, and Smit...
John leads the development team at BBC News and was a founding member that brought the responsive site to life in 2011. Previously to News he worked on the BBC iPlayer and Radio player.Episode Transcript Ethan: Hi, this is a responsive web design podcast, where we interview the people who...
- Read the latest news headlines from the BBC World Service website - Listen to your favorite radio programmes free with the audio player, or by using the standard-rate telephone dial-up service. - You can listen to the most recent editions of: - The Global News Podcast - Newshour - HA...
- The Global News Podcast - Newshour - HARDtalk - Sport Today - Business Daily - Focus on Africa, and many more For EU users only: If you choose to receive customized ads, a unique identifier (Google Advertising ID or Apple’s ID for Advertising) relating to your device will be stored...
,"metaDescription":"","canonicalPlaylistSlug":"","relatedLinks":[{"text":"BBC Woman's Hour - podcast from Radio 4","url":"http:\/\/www.bbc.co.uk\/programmes\/articles\/4swWTdctq1BLsXd7qBzTbDt\/womans-hour-podcast"},{"text":"Writing about love - radio programme from Radio 3",...
Listen to the BBC podcast at 31:50 “I’m so proud of my people!” Ukrainian Tech Leader, a BBC dialogue Mar 4, 2022 |BBC World Service,Featured,Most Popular Download or listen to this lively Fresh Dialogues interview 00:00 00:00 ...
这两天BBC Global News Podcast 播了中国医护人员的采访,前一条是湖北医护人员口述诚挚的心路历程,如何决定放弃过年出行车票,留守工作岗位,让老人孩子离开,这样感染了也不会传染一家人,完全是“偏向虎山行”的视死如归精神。后一条就是HK医护人员说这个病毒传播力度大,人力不够,要strike。高下立见。