播客名:【BBC Global News Podcast】💡 音频来自BBC官网💡 AI字幕,机翻,仅供参考💡 在【字幕设置】中打开【字幕拖拽】开关,可以调整外挂中文字幕位置💡 如需本合集文稿,或想支持up持续更新本播客,可在up B站小店下单支持>> https://gf.bilibili.com/item/deta
Forever Downloads Everything you download during your trial is yours to keep and enjoy for free, even if you cancel during the trial. Cancel Anytime. No risk. No obligations. Significant Savings For just $19.99 per month, you can continue to have unlimited access to our entire library. To...
【BBC Global News Podcast】 💡 AI生成字幕,可能存在识别错误,仅供参考💡 如需中文字幕,请打开cc字幕开关,机翻💡 在【字幕设置】中打开【字幕拖拽】开关,可以调整cc字幕位置💡 B 站选更,官方更新频率: 工作日 2 集/天,周末 1 集/天💡 如需文稿和音频,可
播客名:【BBC Global News Podcast】💡 音频来自BBC官网💡 AI字幕,机翻,仅供参考💡 在【字幕设置】中打开【字幕拖拽】开关,可以调整外挂中文字幕位置 💡 如需本合集文稿,或想支持up持续更新本播客,可在up B站小店下单支持>> https://gf.bilibili.com/item/detail/1107338074 💡 B 站选更,官方更新频率...
John leads the development team at BBC News and was a founding member that brought the responsive site to life in 2011. Previously to News he worked on the BBC iPlayer and Radio player.Episode Transcript Ethan: Hi, this is a responsive web design podcast, where we interview the people who...
The BBC has added a dark mode to its popular radio and podcast application for iOS: BBC Sounds. ByRik Henderson Mar 3, 2020 Echo owners take note, BBC radio leaves TuneIn on Monday bbc The BBC is finishing its process of removing all live radio stations from TuneIn next Monday, 30 Sep...
"Friday Night Comedy from BBC Radio 4" News Quiz 21st January 2022 (Podcast Episode 2022) - Top questions and answers about "Friday Night Comedy from BBC Radio 4" News Quiz 21st January 2022 (Podcast Episode 2022)
Step 1. Choose the episode from the BBC Sounds podcast page. Then select the "Programme Website" button at the bottom. Step 2. Click on the Download button on the episode page within the programme website. Choose the file quality you want to download. Then the podcast episode will start...
【BBC新闻播客】20240815: 世卫组织宣布猴痘疫情构成“国际关注的突发公共卫生事件”|Global News Podcast 5349 21 33:15 App 【BBC新闻播客】20240812:莫斯科称乌克兰军队现已深入俄罗斯 30 公里|Global News Podcast 3930 1 9:05 App [NPR英语播客] 奥运会为何耗资巨大并屡屡超支|The Indicator from Planet Money...
The BBC has added a dark mode to its popular radio and podcast application for iOS: BBC Sounds. ByRik Henderson Mar 3, 2020 Echo owners take note, BBC radio leaves TuneIn on Monday bbc The BBC is finishing its process of removing all live radio stations from TuneIn next Monday, 30 Sep...