Beginning on Monday, subscribers to Amazon’s Prime and Amazon Music Unlimited services can “exclusively access a curated suite of over 50 of the BBC’s most popular podcasts ad-free, including notable BBC titles such as Americast, BBC Global News Podcast, Dua Lipa: At Your Service, The Gl...
下载之后你可以搜索栏目,我平常主要听的是:BBC GLOBAL NEWS, BBC BUSINESS DAILY, 还有PETER DAY'S WORLD OF BUSINESS… 这三者的区别在于:第一个是全球性的综合新闻,政治经济社会文化一网打尽,主题散;第二个注重在经济新闻;第三个是就某一主题(多是经济领域的)新闻特写。 进入Podcasts后,输入关键词搜索,然后...
Audio:Activated is a detailed thought-leadership study commissioned by BBC Global News, to analyse the persuasive power and impact of podcasts. The study found that branded podcasts are an effective method for advertisers, and can achieve unique audience cut-through, notably with ad avoiders....
Have immediate access and unlimited downloads to over 200,000 books, courses, podcasts, and more with no restrictions. Forever Downloads Everything you download during your trial is yours to keep and enjoy for free, even if you cancel during the trial. Cancel Anytime. No risk. No obligation...
Its services include local, national, European and international news, investigative journalism and current affairs programming for RTÉ television, radio, online, podcasts, on-demand and for independent Irish language public broadcaster TG4. It is the largest and most popular news source in Ireland...
WHO谴责富裕国家占据远超目前所需的疫苗。 法国制药公司同意生产德国竞争对手研发的疫苗来缓解欧洲疫苗产量危机。 俄罗斯和美国达成对核武器协议延期五年的一致。… 阅读全文 ...
BBC Studios is responsible for the global, commercial operations of BBC News. We work with brands to create partnerships that connect them with our audience.
安装iTunes,里面有Podcasts(播客)这一项,搜索你感兴趣的BBC节目,当然也有很多其他节目。比如BBC的global news,当然还有很多全球各地的内容。如果有iPhone、iPod Touch或者iPad直接可以在“播客”里订阅下载了。缺点是没有文稿,碰到听不懂的就郁闷了。iTunes U提供了全球很多知名大学的在线课程。缺点是...
进入Podcasts后,输入关键词搜索,然后“订阅”,就可以出现在“我的播客”的频道列表里。 其实,播客上还有大量精彩内容。我也试过比如CNN的,还有WALL STREET JOURNAL的(以前我简写WSJ总有人有莫名其妙的联想??),但总觉得内容编排和制作上都不如BBC来的质量上乘。毕竟是以做广播起家的百年老店,在故事角度、叙事方法...
The BBC mobile site includes short audio updates on many topics and links to lengthier podcasts, as well. The BBC News app, however, offers only a few short news updates, sporadic video embedded in print stories, and a live audio feed (also available on BBC mobile). Different Views of ...