Description of the bug: With this example: cc_library( name = "foo", srcs = ["foo.cpp"], linkopts = ["-lcompression"], ) cc_library( name = "baz", hdrs = ["baz.hpp"], linkopts = ["-blah"], ) cc_binary( name = "main", srcs = ["main.cpp"],...
There are a few third-party pre-compiled shared libraries in our use case, we place them inside our workspace and usecc_importto import them. Some of them depend on others, for example,libX.sodepends, so in ourBUILDthere are targets like below and it was working fine. cc_im...
首先用新版本http://data.pb.cc重新生成动态库,然后重新编译 main 程序,运行结果如下,一切正常。./...
我创建了一个简单的存储库:来帮助您入门。 BUILD: cc_library( name = "main-jni-lib", srcs = [ "@local_jdk//:jni_header", "@local_jdk//:jni_md_header-linux", "" ], hdrs = [ "Main.h" ], includes = [ "external/local_jdk/in...
Also, sometimes, we need the path to the folder where a shared library, generated by cc_library. Python file import cppyy cppyy.add_include_path('path/to/external/dependency/1') cppyy.add_library_path('path/to/another/external/dependency/2') cppyy.add_include_path('path/t...
build --experimental_cc_shared_library # cc_shared_library ensures no library is linked statically more than once. build --experimental_link_static_libraries_once=false # Prevent regressions on those two incompatible changes # TODO: remove those flags when they are flipped in the default B...
cc_import( name = "mylib", hdrs = ["mylib.h"], # mylib.lib is an import library for mylib.dll which will be passed to linker interface_library = "mylib.lib", # mylib.dll is provided by system environment, for example it can be found in PATH. # This indicates that Bazel is...
load("@rules_cc//cc:defs.bzl","cc_binary")cc_binary(name="boost-log-test",srcs=["log_test.cpp"],deps=["@boost//:boost-headers","@boost//:boost-log_setup","@boost//:boost-log",],) ./app/log_test.cpp(/opt/boost/boost_1_77_0/libs/log/example/trivial/main.cpp的确切副本)...
cc_library( name = "libvirt-libs", srcs = [ ":libvirt-shared-libs", ], hdrs = [ ":libvirt-devel-headers", ], include_prefix = "libvirt", linkstatic = 1, visibility = ["//visibility:public"], ) genrule( name = "libvirt-devel-headers", srcs = select({...
cc_library( name = "hdfs", hdrs = ["hdfs.h"], ) 所以下面真的调用bazel进行编译的时候,需要显示采用--config=opt来告知bazel,不要忽略opt这个package(这里是为了使用command:name中group这个特性)。 1.2 再bazel编译 如果只编译支持cpu的,敲如下代码 ...