The methods of using the prompt option to take an input from the user in Bash are explained in this tutorial. Different Examples of Prompt Input The different uses of the “read” command with the prompt message are shown in this part of the tutorial. Example 1: Take the String Input ...
We can customize the behavior of thereadcommand by combining it with other parameters. Some of them include-p, which allows us to obtain a prompt, and-s, which silences the input for privacy. Example: read-p"Enter username: "usernameread-sp"Enter password: "passwordechoecho"Logged in succ...
Interactive Workflows. Bash can prompt users for input, which is practical for creating guided workflows. For example,helpdesktechnicians can develop guided workflows for troubleshooting common problems instead of personally walking an end-user through a process. How Does Bash Work? Like other shells, ...
#Here we are asking a question to prompt the user for standard input. i.e.keyboard echo 'Please enter your name.' #Here we are reading the standard input and assigning it to the variable name with the read command. read name #We are now going back to standard output, by using echo ...
/bin/bash# Prompt the user to enter two numbersread-p"Input the first number: "num1read-p"Input the second number: "num2# Check if the second number is zeroif["$num2"-eq0];thenecho"Error: Division by zero"else# Perform division and display the resultresult=$(echo"scale=2;$num1...
#Here we are asking a question to prompt the user for standard input. i.e.keyboard echo 'Please enter your name.' #Here we are reading the standard input and assigning it to the variable name with the read command. read name #We are now going back to standard output, by using echo ...
2: Using a Prompt A prompt can be used to ask the user for input and store it in a variable, the syntax for using a prompt is as follows: read-p"Enter your name: "<variable_name> This method is useful when you want to prompt the user for input in a specific format, here is ...
-p prompt:给用户输出提示信息; -t timeout:用户输入的超时时间; name:变量或数组的名称;如果省略此内容,bash会将read读到的信息保存到一个内置的名为REPLY变量中 注意:Linux哲学思想之一:尽量不与用户交互;在使用read时,通常使用-t选项来指定与用户交互的时间,一旦交互时间超过预定时间,脚本中后续的命令内容会自...
这个教程给出几个如何使用类似zenity和whiptail的工具在Bash Shell 脚本中提供消息/对话框的例子。使用这些工具,你的脚本能够告知用户当前程序运行的状态并能与用户进行交互。这两个工具的不同之处在于显示消息框或者对话框的方式。Zenity用GTK工具包创建图形用户界面,而whiptail则在终端窗口内创建消息框。
#Here we are asking a question to prompt the user for standard input. i.e.keyboard echo 'Please enter your name.' #Here we are reading the standard input and assigning it to the variable name with the read command. read name #We are now going back to standard output, by using echo ...