/bin/bash# bash trap commandtrap bashtrap INT# bash clear screen commandclear;# bash trap function is executed when CTRL-C is pressed:# bash prints message => Executing bash trap subrutine !bashtrap(){ echo "CTRL+C Detected !...executing bash trap !"}# for loop from 1/10 to 10/10...
BASH是Bourne Again SHell的简称,这里我基于这个名称来做一些不严谨的解释,shell表示壳程序、bourne again表示重新再做一遍,意思就是将这个壳程序重做一次,这个重做包含两层意思,一是将脚本程序转换成二进制可执行程序,二是将壳程序转换成真正的内核操作程序实现壳程序的操作;虽然这么理解有些牵强附会,但大概什么是BASH...
2.随日期变化:利用 date 进行文件的创建 #!/bin/bash #Program: # Program creates three files,whichnamed by user's input and date command.#History #2017/07/28lzyer First releaseecho"I will use 'touch' command to create 3 file."read-p"Please input your filename :"fileuser filename=${fi...
或执行:usermod -s Shell程序路径 用户名; usermod -s /bin/bash root; [root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/shells /bin/sh /bin/bash /sbin/nologin /bin/tcsh /bin/csh /bin/ksh 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 2.Linux命令的分类 (1)Linux命令 用于实现某一类功能的指令或程序 命令的执行依赖于解释器...
/bin/bash #Here we are asking a question to prompt the user for standard input. i.e.keyboard echo 'Please enter your name.' #Here we are reading the standard input and assigning it to the variable name with the read command. read name...
Linux shell 程序设计2——bash的内置命令 常用的内置命令忽略,来看看shell编程中其他一些重要的内置命令: 1、help:显示所有内置命令列表,或显示一个具体命令的用法。 -s: 表示列出命令的语法格式 例子: help -s help help: help [-dms] [pattern ...]...
Getting user input So far you've seen how to write scripts that interact with data, variables, and files on the Linux system. Sometimes, you need to write a script that has to interact with the person running the script. The bash shell provides a few different methods for retrieving data...
1、bash本质 在模拟实现前,先得了解bash的本质 bash也是一个进程,并且是不断运行中的进程证明:常显示的命令输入提示符就是bash不断打印输出的结果 输入指令后,bash会创建子进程,并进行程序替换证明:运行自己写的程序后,可以看到当前进程的父进程为bash
/bin/bash#a.sha=666 b=hello g_user=rootexportg_user#全局变量echo$aecho$becho$g_user#调用bash a.sh 把命令结果赋值给变量 圆括号 current_date=$(date)echocurrent data is [$current_date] 用反引号,和键盘上的波浪符号一个键(仅参考,使用1即可)...
dockerroot:x:994:992:Docker User:/var/lib/docker:/sbin/nologin oracle:x:54321:54321::/home/oracle:/bin/bash ntp:x:38:38::/etc/ntp:/sbin/nologin test:x:54325:54334::/home/test:/bin/bash mysql:x:992:54335::/home/mysql:/bin/bash ...