Example 1: Take the String Input Using Prompt Create a Bash file with the following script that takes the first input without the prompt message into the default variable which is $REPLY, the second input without the prompt message into the $lang variable, and the third input with the prompt...
When you run this script, it will prompt you for input. Enter a valid directory name and you’ll see that the script creates it in your current directory: 3. Create a Directory Using Command Line Arguments As an alternative to reading input interactively, most Linux commands support arguments...
Very often in bash scrips you need toask for user inputthat requires aYes or Noanswer. For example, you may want to put a quick “Are you sure?” prompt forconfirmation before executionof some potentially dangerous part of abash script. In this article you’ll find three easiest and faste...
-rw-rw-r--. 1 zexcon zexcon 685 Oct 4 16:00 learnToScriptAllOutput -rw-rw-r--. 1 zexcon zexcon 23 Oct 4 12:42 learnToScriptInput -rw-rw-r--. 1 zexcon zexcon 0 Oct 4 16:42 learnToScriptOutput -rw-rw-r--. 1 zexcon zexcon 52 Oct 4 16:07 learnToScriptOutputError -...
[zexcon ~]$ ls -l /etc/invalidTest 2> learnToScriptOutputError 这会生成错误信息,并将错误信息重定向输入到learnToScriptOutputError文件中。 ls: cannot access '/etc/invalidTest': No such file or directory 所有输出重定向 &>、&>>、|& ...
git clone -b minimal https://github.com/scriptautomate/bash-git-prompt.git ~/.bash-git-prompt --depth=1 Add to the ~/.bashrc: if [ -f "$HOME/.bash-git-prompt/gitprompt.sh" ]; then GIT_PROMPT_ONLY_IN_REPO=1 source "$HOME/.bash-git-prompt/gitprompt.sh" fi All configs for ....
PS(Prompt Sign)指的是命令提示符,在日常运维工作中为了方面操作管理,有时会设定PS1环境变量。 废话不多说,下面开始记录下Linux中PS1设置 在/etc/.bashrc中,找到PS1变量的定义,如果没有,手动加上: 可以将显示输出到标题栏上: [root@elk-node1 ~]# vim /root/.bashrc ... export PS1="\[\e]2;\u@\H...
#Here we are asking a question to prompt the user for standard input. i.e.keyboard echo 'Please enter your name.' #Here we are reading the standard input and assigning it to the variable name with the read command. read name #We are now going back to standard output, by using echo ...
# A small example program for using the new getopt(1) program. # This program will only work with bash(1) # An similar program using the tcsh(1) script language can be found # as parse.tcsh # Example input and output (from the bash prompt): ...
# A small example program for using the new getopt(1) program. # This program will only work with bash(1) # An similar program using the tcsh(1) script language can be found # as parse.tcsh # Example input and output (from the bash prompt): ...