read -p "Enter the number: " num if [ $num -lt 0 ]; then echo "Number $num is negative" elif [ $num -gt 0 ]; then echo "Number $num is positive" else echo "Number $num is zero" fi 让我运行它来涵盖这里的所有三种情况: Running a script with bash elif statement 用逻辑运算符...
read -p "Enter the number: " num if [ $num -lt 0 ]; then echo "Number $num is negative" elif [ $num -gt 0 ]; then echo "Number $num is positive" else echo "Number $num is zero" fi 让我运行它来涵盖这里的所有三种情况: Running a script with bash elif statement 用逻辑运算符...
if [ condition1 ]; then # code block executed when condition1 is true elif [ condition2 ]; then # code block executed when condition2 is true elif [ condition3 ]; then # code block executed when condition3 is true else # code block executed when all conditions are false fi ...
/bin/bashread-p"Enter the number: "nummod=$(($num%2))if[$mod-eq0];thenecho"Number$numis even"elseecho"Number$numis odd"fi 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 让我们用相同的数字再次运行它: Running a bash script that checks odd even number 正如你所看到的,该脚本更好,因为它还告诉你...
Running a script with if statement example in bash 你是否注意到,当数字为偶数时,脚本会告诉你,但当数字为奇数时,脚本不会显示任何内容?让我们使用 else 来改进这个脚本。 使用if else 语句 现在我在前面的脚本中添加了一条else语句。这样,当你得到一个非零模数(因为奇数不能除以 2)时,它将进入else块。
‘Else if’, or ‘elif’, adds more flexibility to your conditional statements. It allows you to check multiple conditions in a single ‘if’ statement. The script executes the first condition that is true and ignores the rest. Here’s an example of an ‘elif’ statement: ...
bash之条件测试: if/then结构 条件测试(CONDITION): test EXPRESSION:测试条件表达式正确否 [ EXPRESSION ] [[ EXPRESSION ]] COMMAND 测试表达式: 1...
[root@localhost test]# cat >> if11 << EOF>#!/bin/bash># This script is a value test for 1 and 2>#2016-0828 author chawan>#>if[1-lt2];then>echo"2 is bigger">fi>EOF[root@localhost test]# chmod +x if11[root@localhost test]# ./if112is bigger ...
bash中条件判断使用if:会根据条件进行判断结果为真或为假 单分支: if 条件; then #如果条件满足执行分支1;不满足就退出 分支1; fi 双分支:#如果条件满足执行分支1,不满足就执行分支2 if 条件; then 分支1; else 分支2; fi 多分支:如果条件1满足执行分支1,如果条件2执行分支2,如果条件3满足执行分支3, ...
Bash脚本是一种在Linux和Unix系统中常用的脚本语言,用于自动化任务和批处理。IF语句是Bash脚本中的条件语句,用于根据条件的真假来执行不同的操作。 当Bash脚本中的IF语句不起作用时,...