Running a script with if statement example in bash 你是否注意到,当数字为偶数时,脚本会告诉你,但当数字为奇数时,脚本不会显示任何内容? 让我们使用 else 来改进这个脚本。 使用if else 语句 现在我在前面的脚本中添加了一条else语句。这样,当你得到一个非零模数(因为奇数不能除以 2)时,它将进入else块。
Running a script with if statement example in bash 你是否注意到,当数字为偶数时,脚本会告诉你,但当数字为奇数时,脚本不会显示任何内容? 让我们使用 else 来改进这个脚本。 使用if else 语句 现在我在前面的脚本中添加了一条 else 语句。这样,当你得到一个非零模数(因为奇数不能除以 2)时,它将进入 else...
In this example, we have two variables, ‘a’ and ‘b’. The script checks if ‘a’ is equal to ‘b’. If it’s not, it moves on to the ‘elif’ statement to check if ‘a’ is greater than ‘b’. If neither condition is met, it executes the ‘else’ statement, which in t...
I am writing a shell script to rotate a log file based on size leveraging thelogrotate.confutility. #!/bin/bashFILENAME=/xyz/console.logwhile:doFILESIZE=$(du-h"$FILENAME")###FILESIZE=$(stat -c%s "$FILENAME")if[[$FILESIZE> 10K ]];thenecho"$FILENAMEis too large =$FILESIZE"echo...
1 If else statement in bash script 0 If / Else statement issues in bash scripting 0 bash if statement issue 1 Bash script if .. else .. not working 1 Bash if else if conditions issue 1 If- else statement shell script 1 Problem with an if statement in shell script Hot Netw...
else echo "neither of the statemens matched" fi 输出如下: [zexcon@fedora ~]$ ./ numberTwelve variable is equal to 12 你所看到的是if语句的第一行,它在检查变量的值是否真的等于12。如果是的话,语句就会停止,并发出numberTwelve is equal to 12的回显,然后在fi之后继续执行你的脚本...
else echo "Sorry, you are not eligible for a scholarship." fi Nested If statement In your bash script, you have the flexibility to incorporate multiple if statements as needed. Furthermore, it is entirely possible to nest an if statement within another if statement, creating what is referred...
5. 条件语句:在脚本中使用条件语句判断某些条件是否满足,并根据判断结果执行相应的操作。常见的条件语句有if、elif、else和case。例如: “` # Conditional statement if [[ $name == “John” ]]; then echo “Hello, John!” else echo “Hello, Stranger!” ...
Bash case 语句功能强大且易于编写。当您重新访问旧的 Linux 脚本时,您会很高兴使用了case语句而不是长if-then-else语句。案例陈述 大多数编程语言都有自己的 a switchorcase语句版本。它们根据变量的值指导程序执行的流程。通常,为变量的每个预期可能值定义了一个执行分支,并 为所有其他值定义了一个包罗万象或 ...
else: This keyword marks the beginning of the code block that should be executed if the condition in the "if" statement is not met. echo "Access denied": If the passwords do not match, this line prints "Access denied". 6. Write a Bash script that checks if a given number is even ...