Example of running bash script with logical operators in if statement ️ 练习时间 让我们做一些练习吧 练习1:编写一个 Bash Shell 脚本,检查作为参数提供给它的字符串的长度。如果未提供参数,它将打印 “empty string”。 练习2:编写一个 Shell 脚本来检查给定文件是否存在。你可以提供完整的文件路径作为参数...
The main advantage of using ‘else if’ in bash scripting is that it allows your scripts to handle multiple conditions, making them more flexible and powerful. However, it’s important to be aware of potential pitfalls. For instance, the order of your conditions matters. The script will execu...
<c:choose> <c:when test="${requestScope.newFlag== '1' || requestScope.newFlag== '2' ...
Example of running bash script with logical operators in if statement 🏋️ 练习时间 让我们做一些练习吧 😃 练习1:编写一个 Bash Shell 脚本,检查作为参数提供给它的字符串的长度。如果未提供参数,它将打印 “empty string”。 练习2:编写一个 Shell 脚本来检查给定文件是否存在。你可以提供完整的文件路...
if [ $[$shuzi%2] -eq 0 ];then echo $shuzi fi 条件表达式为双中括号[[ $shuzi%2 -eq 0 ]]也可以 bash -n test.sh 检查脚本有无语法错误 bash -x test.sh 10 调试执行,一步一步执行,打印执行步骤,最后打印执行结果 例:传递一个参数给脚本,而后以此参数为用户名,添加此用户 ...
I like to have a simple script which says MEH! when there is no input arg, otherwise prints it. #!/bin/bash if [${#$1}==0] then echo "MEH!"; else echo $1; fi OS says the line 4 has a error (unexpected token else at line 4). So sorry dude. Thanks in advance. linux ...
I am writing a shell script to rotate a log file based on size leveraging thelogrotate.confutility. #!/bin/bashFILENAME=/xyz/console.logwhile:doFILESIZE=$(du-h"$FILENAME")###FILESIZE=$(stat -c%s "$FILENAME")if[[$FILESIZE> 10K ]];thenecho"$FILENAMEis too large =$FILESIZE"echo...
When trying to understand the working of a function like if-else in a shell script, it is good to start things simple. Here, we initialize two variables a and b, then use the if-else function to check if the two variables are equal. The bash script should look as follows for this ...
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