Without any command-line arguments, the value of$1will be empty. When your script callsmkdir, it won't be passing an argument to it, and the mkdir command will return that error. To avoid this, you can check for the condition yourself and present a more friendly error: As always, begi...
AWKSCRIPT=' { printf( "%3.7f\n", sqrt($1*$1 + $2*$2) ) } ' # 命令 / 传递给awk的参数 # 现在, 将参数通过管道传递给awk. echo -n "Hypotenuse of $1 and $2 = " echo $1 $2 | awk "$AWKSCRIPT" exit 0 结果: root@ubuntu:~/resource/shell-study/0622-2013# ./test16.sh U...
除了上面的./example.sh的方法,另一种运行bash script的方式是bash example.sh。 变量 如果仅仅是想要运行一连串的命令,似乎我手打也行啊,没必要专门写个bash script。这时候,就需要变量了。有了变量,他就可以干很多事了。 变量赋值和其他很多语言很相似(比如python),是一种dynamical typing的方式赋值,而想要调用变...
In this post, I will be discussing the scripts from a mathematical and numerical point of view. Although I posted a more complex script (Simple Calculator) in the previous post, it was difficult for users to understand. Hence, I thought I would teach you another useful aspect of learning i...
The following bash script is a simple calculator program that allows the user to perform basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. #! /bin/bash clear sum=0 i="y" echo " Enter one no."
2. Simple Backup bash shell script #!/bin/bash tar -czf myhome_directory.tar.gz /home/linuxconfig 3. Variables In this example we declare simple bash variable and print it on the screen ( stdout ) with echo command. #!/bin/bash ...
Create a simple Bash script to convert units: 1. Open a text editor, such as Vim, and create aconvert.shscript. For example: vim convert.sh 2. Paste the following code: #!/bin/bash ## Program for feet and inches conversion echo "Enter a number to be converted:" ...
Check if the divisor is zero. If it is, we print an error message and exit the script. Use "bc" command-line calculator to perform floating-point division with two decimal places (scale=2). Test the "divide()" function by calling it with two numbers and storing the result in a varia...
例如,使用sed -i 's/relative\/path//g' script.sh将脚本script.sh中的所有relative/path替换为空字符串。 如果需要在脚本中使用绝对路径,可以将绝对路径保存在变量中,并在需要时使用该变量。例如,absolute_path="/path/to/file",然后在脚本中使用$absolute_path来引用该路径。 总结:从bash脚本中删除相对路径...
A simple bash script for Slime Rancher that does plort market saturation calculations - supra0/slime-rancher-plort-calculator