open_shell_here.ahk pin_window.ahk script_autorun_startup.vbs win_key_to_show_taskbar.ahkBreadcrumbs Autohotkey-Scripts-Windows /in-line-calculator / readme.mdLatest commit GorvGoyl new scripts 395089d· Jun 17, 2021 HistoryHistory Breadcrumbs Autohotkey-Scripts-Windows /in-line-calculator / read...
Make a shell script executable by the user/owner. $ chmod u+x Allow everyone to read, write, and execute the file and turn on the set group-ID. $ chmod =rwx,g+s Links for more learning: ...
DarkCalculatoryy是一个用于计算二项式系数的Python库。它提供了一个简单的接口,可以方便地计算二项式系数。二项式系数是组合数学中的一个重要概念,用于描述在n个不同元素的集合中选择k个元素的方法数。 DarkCalculatoryy库的主要功能包括: 1. 计算二项式系数:用户可以通过输入两个整数n和k,然后调用calculate_binomial...
The memory works as follows: M+ adds the value that is on the screen or the result of an account not yet finalized in memory adding to the previous value in memory. M- works the same way but subtracting the value of the screen from the value already in memory. MRC retrieves the memo...
Some of the methods used by the Amdahl 6 to discover (what was at the time of discovery, the largest known non-Mersenne prime): (391581*2^216193-1) are contained in the calc script This calc script is available as part of the calc distribution. ...
Make a shell script executable by the user/owner: $ chmod u+x $ ./ $ chmod =rwx,g+sfile This page documents the GNU version of chmod. “It’s easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission” ~ Rear Admiral Grace Hopper ...
The call to .exec() is wrapped in a call to sys.exit(), which allows you to cleanly exit Python and release memory resources when the application terminates. You can run your first PyQt app with the following command: Shell $ python When you run this script, you’ll see ...
Ooops! Two months ago, I started exploring how you can write a simple but quite helpful interactive command-line calculator as a shell script and ended the column with "Next month, we'll dig into useful refinements and make it a full-blown addition to our Linux toolkit. See you then!" ...
So far we have usedbcwithin an interactive session. However, quite popular use cases ofbcin fact involve runningbcwithin a shell script non-interactively. In this case, you can send input tobcusingechothrough a pipe. For example: $ echo "40*5" | bc $ echo "scale=4; 10/3" | bc ...
SPX500-Gamma-Exposure-CalculatorScript是一个用于计算标普500指数的Gamma暴露的工具脚本。Gamma暴露是指资产价格波动对投资组合价值的影响,通常用来衡量市场风险。 在计算Gamma暴露时,我们需要知道以下参数: 1. 当前S&P 500指数的价格(SPX) 2. 当前时间点的市场深度(depth) 3. 当前时间点的交易量(volume) 4. 当前...