set_frontmost_process.scpt - switch to bring the given app to the foreground to send keystrokes / mouse clicks to it browser_get_default.scpt - get the default configured browser in format passable to Applescript (for above script) - detect if the screen is locked ...
1 alias wont work - embedding a quoted string in an alias definition 1 Quotation in alias of shell configuration 3 Escape quotes in alias 0 error with an alias in .zshrc file 1 ZSH alias not working 2 Using an other command in alias 0 cant set alias, zsh: command not found ...
trim_string(){# Usage:trim_string" example string ":"${1#"${1%%[![:space:]]*}"}":"${_%"${_##*[![:space:]]}"}"printf'%s\n'"$_"} 示例用法: 代码语言:javascript 复制 $ trim_string" Hello, World "Hello,World $ name=" John Black "$ trim_string"$name"John Black 修剪字...
ifgrep-q fooregex myfile; 如果grep 在 myfile 中找到匹配的行,它的执行结果为 0(true),then 后面的部分就会执行。 10. if [bar="$foo"]; then ... 正如上一个问题中提到的,[是一个命令,它的参数之间必须用空格分隔。 11. if [ [ a = b ] && [ c = d ] ]; then ... 不...
To check for non-null/non-zero string variable, i.e. if set, use if [ -n "$1" ] It's the opposite of -z. I find myself using -n more than -z. You would use it like: if [ -n "$1" ]; then echo "You supplied the first parameter!" else echo "First parameter not ...
if [[ $var != *sub_string* ]]; then printf '%s\n' "sub_string is not in var." fi # 也可以在数组中运行 if [[ ${arr[*]} == *sub_string* ]]; then printf '%s\n' "sub_string is in array." fi使用case语句:case "$var" in *sub_string*) # Do stuff ;; *sub_string2...
If your current working directory is /where/i/saved/it/, then you can shorten the above command to: prompt$ pwd /where/i/saved/it prompt$ ./ Now, lets get to more interesting aspects of Bash programming, Variables! Variables Variables basically store information. You set ...
When \\\e[1;37mAppending keys from archlinux.gpg\\\e[0;34m appears on the screen, use any of these simple methods to accelerate the installation process if it is stalled. Put even simpler, just do something on device. Browsing files will create entropy on device. Slowly swiveling the...
\2. 在if分支中作为占位符(即某一分支什么都不做的时候); \3. 放在必须要有两元操作的地方作为分隔符,如:: ${username=whoami} \4. 在参数替换中为字符串变量赋值,在重定向操作(>)中,把一个文件长度截断为0(:>>这样用的时候,目标存在则什么都不做),这个只能在普通文件中使用,不能在管道,符号链接和其...
Returning parts of a string (substrings or slices). Example: If count is set to frogfootman, $ {count :4} returns footman. $ {count :4:4} returns foot. [52] The first of these operators is ideal for setting defaults for command-line arguments in case the user omits them. We’...