The Bash if statement is a fundamental construct that allows you to control the flow of your scripts based on specific conditions. By leveraging conditionals, such as numeric and string comparisons, and file and directory checks, you can create dynamic and responsive scripts. Additionally, nesting ...
Example 1: If statement in bash on string equality #!/bin/bash read -p "Enter a match word: " USER_INPUT if [[ $USER_INPUT == "hello" ]]; then echo "Hello to you as well" fi In this example above we use the basic IF condition with a single test of string equality and then...
If the response is 200, it sets the stop variable to "true" and prints a success message. Otherwise, it prints a failure message with the response code. counter=0 max_attempts=5 stop=false while [ $stop = "false" ] && [ $counter -lt $max_attempts ]; do echo "Attempt $((counter...
本教程将在 bash 脚本中使用 && 和if 语句。 在Bash 中使用 && 和if 语句 如果$age 等于18 且 $name 等于John,则条件返回真。 age=18 name="John" if [[ $age -eq 18 && "$name" == John ]];then printf "success!!\n" fi 输出: success!!
Example 2: Checking the “If -N” Statement with the “Test” Command Create a Bash file with the following script where the use of the “if –n” statement with the “test” command is shown. The first input is a string and the second input is numeric. If both input values are non...
The figureif statement with an else, shows a conditional statement with theelsekeyword. It first checks to see if the weather is sunny and to play Journey if that condition is met. Otherwise, Meat Loaf is chosen. ifStatement with anelse ...
if [ $mod -eq 0 ]; then echo "Number $num is even" else echo "Number $num is odd" fi Let's run it again with the same numbers: As you can see, the script is better as it also tells you if the number is odd. Use elif (else if) statement ...
Using a Bash If Statement with multiple conditions Using Nested If Statements Common Pitfalls and Errors Incorrect usage of the single bracket command [ How to solve the Binary Operator Expected Error? Why you should not use the || and && operators instead of a Bash If Statement? Detailed Exam...
I'm trying to create a shell script and the fact is, I want to change the output if the variable $output is filled. I was thinking about checking the variable with an if inside the command but I don't know if it's the correct syntax. Here is an exemple (of course that doesn't...
export export命令将会使得被 export 的变量在运行的脚本(或shell)的所有的子进程中都可用. 不幸...