参考:http://wiki.workassis.com/shell-script-convert-text-to-lowercase-and-uppercase/ 2019-03-1300 雄鞋谋塘 如果使用v4,这就是烘焙。如果没有,这是一个简单,广泛适用的解决方案。此线程上的其他答案(和注释)在创建下面的代码时非常有用。 # Like echo, but converts to lowercase echolcase () { tr...
我怎么在sh里做(又称dash) 在Ubuntu 12.10上,awk '{print tolower($0)}'很好地转换了依赖于区域设置的字符,但是这些字符失败了:${a,,}tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'。 太棒了:${VAR,,}。 我是不是错过了什么?我看到许多命令打印出变量的小写版本,但没有一个命令真正改变了值。 @aaronf这就是shell...
Bash has multiple shorthand tricks for doing various things to strings.${variable,,} #this converts every letter in the variable to lowercase ${variable^^} #this converts every letter in the variable to uppercase ${variable:2:8} #this returns a substring of a string, starting at the ...
The ^ operator converts lowercase letters matching pattern to uppercase; the , operator converts matching uppercase letters to lowercase. The ^^ and ,, expansions convert each matched character in the expanded value; the ^ and , expansions match and convert only the first character in the expa...
Bash has multiple shorthand tricks for doing various things to strings.${variable,,} #this converts every letter in the variable to lowercase ${variable^^} #this converts every letter in the variable to uppercase ${variable:2:8} #this returns a substring of a string, starting at the ...
new_string=$(echo "$input_string" | tr -dc '[:alnum:]' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'): Removes non-alphanumeric characters and converts the string to lowercase using the "tr" command. reversed_string=$(echo "$clean_string" | rev): Reverses the new string using the "rev" com...
echo "convert a file(s) from lowercase to uppercase" echo "will convert all characters according to the" ;; echo " specified command option." echo " Where option is" echo " -l Convert to lowercase" echo " -u Convert to uppercase" ...
Shell Script to Converts UPPERCASE to Lowercase A script that convertsUPPERCASEtolowercaseand redirects the output to a text file “small.txt” which can be modified as required. #!/bin/bash echo -n "Enter File Name : " read fileName ...
However, since the-uattribute was set, checking the value of the variable shows that it has the value ofEXAMPLE. echo $testvar The-lattribute has the opposite effect. declare -l testvar="EXAMPLE" Setting it converts uppercase letters to lowercase. ...
vi convertinput.sh 2. Enter the following code: #!/bin/bash # Prompt the user to enter values read -p "Enter value 1: " value1 read -p "Enter value 2: " value2 # Convert values to lowercase using eval eval "value1=\$(tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<< "$value1")" ...