google上找到这个stackoverflow上的帖子,才知道Bash 4.0以上版本有更好的办法: 《How to convert a string to lower case in Bash?》 就是${parameter,,pattern},${parameter^^pattern}表达式,表达不会改变原来变量的值 代码语言:javascript 复制 #! /bin/bash# 注意:脚本第一行一定要注明脚本解释器是bash.不能...
google上找到这个stackoverflow上的帖子,才知道Bash 4.0以上版本有更好的办法: 《How to convert a string to lower case in Bash?》 就是${parameter,,pattern},${parameter^^pattern}表达式,表达不会改变原来变量的值 #! /bin/bash # 注意:脚本第一行一定要注明脚本解释器是bash.不能是sh,或dash # 因为sh...
Write a Bash script that converts all text in a file named "temp.txt" to lowercase. Code: #!/bin/bash# Check if the file existsif[!-f"temp.txt"];thenecho"Error: File 'temp.txt' not found."exit1fi# Convert text in "temp.txt" to lowercase and save the result to a temporary ...
-help) echo "convert a file(s) to uppercase from lowercase" echo "convert a file(s) from lowercase to uppercase" echo "will convert all characters according to the" ;; echo " specified command option." echo " Where option is" echo " -l Convert to lowercase" echo " -u Convert to ...
new_string=$(echo "$input_string" | tr -dc '[:alnum:]' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'): Removes non-alphanumeric characters and converts the string to lowercase using the "tr" command. reversed_string=$(echo "$clean_string" | rev): Reverses the new string using the "rev" com...
This expansion modifies the case of alphabetic characters in parameter. The pattern is expanded to produce a pattern just as in pathname expansion. The ^ operator converts lowercase letters matching pattern to uppercase; the , operator converts matching uppercase letters to lowercase. ...
In Linux and Unix systems, tr is a command-line utility that translates, deletes, and squeezes characters from standard input and writes the results to standard output. The tr command can remove repeated characters, convert uppercase to lowercase, and perform basic character replacing and removin...
downcase-word (M-l) Lowercase the current (or following) word. With a negative argument, do the previous word, but do not move point. capitalize-word (M-c) Capitalize the current (or following) word. With a negative argument, do the previous word, but do not move point. Killing and ...
Bash has multiple shorthand tricks for doing various things to strings.${variable,,} #this converts every letter in the variable to lowercase ${variable^^} #this converts every letter in the variable to uppercase ${variable:2:8} #this returns a substring of a string, starting at the ...
Bash has multiple shorthand tricks for doing various things to strings.${variable,,} #this converts every letter in the variable to lowercase ${variable^^} #this converts every letter in the variable to uppercase ${variable:2:8} #this returns a substring of a string, starting at the ...