$string="${string[@]^}" $echo"$string" A Few Words $declare-cstring $string=(a few words) $echo"${string[@]}" A Few Words $string="a FeW WOrdS" $string=${string,,} $string=${string~} $echo"$string" A few words 对一个declare转弯开关+属性时,使用。for example,declare +c st...
您可以调用 lowercase 'my STRING' 并获得小写版本。我阅读了有关将结果设置为 var 的评论,但这在 Bash 中并不是真正可移植的,因为我们无法返回字符串。打印它是最好的解决方案。使用 var="$(lowercase $str)" 之类的东西很容易捕捉。 这是如何工作的 ...
$ declare -l string $ string=$string; echo "$string" a few words 大写 $ string="a few words" $ echo "${string^}" A few words $ echo "${string^^}" A FEW WORDS $ echo "${string^^[aeiou]}" A fEw wOrds $ string="A Few Words" $ declare -u string $ string=$string; echo...
Use regex on a stringThe result of bash's regex matching can be used to replace sed for a large number of use-cases.CAVEAT: This is one of the few platform dependent bash features. bash will use whatever regex engine is installed on the user's system. Stick to POSIX regex features if...
String data are used for different purposes in any bash commands or programming script. Sometimes we need to change the case of the string to get the desired output. The string can be converted to uppercase or lowercase. The string data is converted by using ‘tr’ command in the old vers...
Example-1: Change Case You can change the case of the string very easily by using tr command. To define uppercase, you can use [:upper:] or [A-Z] and to define lowercase you can define [:lower:] or [a-z]. The `tr` command can be used in the following way to convert any st...
Change a string to lowercaseCAVEAT: Requires bash 4+Example Function:lower() { # Usage: lower "string" printf '%s\n' "${1,,}" }Example Usage:$ lower "HELLO" hello $ lower "HeLlO" hello $ lower "hello" helloChange a string to uppercaseCAVEAT: Requires bash 4+...
Example StRIng. Use ,, instead of ^^ to change into lowercase. Using awk in Bash to Convert Letter Case of Strings Again, $ var="Example String." To convert all the strings into lowercase, we use the tolower() method of awk. It also has a toupper() function to convert all strings...
4. Change permissions to make the script executable: chmod +x character.sh 5. Execute the script: ./character.sh The script outputs the character type entered after matching it against the specified conditions. Note:Learn how to compare strings using a Bash script with our guideBash string com...
./change_directory.sh 2 Replace2with the actual number of directory levels you want to move up. This script can be useful for navigating through directory structures in the terminal efficiently. Create a Random File or Folder The following script is used to print the current username,system upt...