英文名称:Bafilomycin A1 分子式:C35H58O9 纯度:95 % 产地:北京 品牌:百奥莱博 包装规格:100 μg 货号:KFS273 编号:KFS273 规格:100 μg 产地:国产|进口 品牌:百奥莱博 英文名:Bafilomycin A1 CAS:88899-55-2 分子式:C35H58O9 分子量:622.8 ...
Bafilomycin A1 属于大环内酯类抗生素,是一种 V-ATPase 抑制剂 (IC50=0.44 nM),具有特异性和可逆性。Bafilomycin A1 是自噬晚期阶段抑制剂,阻断自噬体与溶酶体的融合。Bafilomycin A1 也诱导凋亡。 规格价格库存数量 100 μg¥ 648现货 500 μg¥ 1,580现货 ...
It is an inhibitor of vacuolar H+-ATPases (V-ATPases; Ki = 0.5 nM in N. crassa vacuolar membranes) and is greater than 1,000-fold selective for V-ATPases over Na+/K+-, Ca2+-, and H+-ATPases. Bafilomycin A1 (100 nM) inhibits autophagosome maturation and protein degradation in...
Bafilomycin A1, known as an inhibitor of vacuolar type H+-ATPase, was used to study involvement of the vacuolar ATP-dependent H+-pump in the vacuolar pH regulation in a fresh water charophyte, Chara corallina . When bafilomycin A1 (100 nM) was externally given to intact cells, the vacuolar...
Bafilomycin A1 巴佛洛霉素A1 以剂量依赖性方式抑制多种培养细胞的生长,包括金仓鼠胚胎和 NIH-3T3 成纤维细胞(无论是否转化)以及 PC12 和 HeLa 细胞。Bafilomycin A1 巴佛洛霉素A1 抑制细胞生长的 IC50 范围为 10 至 50 nM[7]。 体内研究 低剂量 Bafilomycin A1 巴佛洛霉素A1(0.1 mg/kg)慢性治疗会轻微抑制肿瘤...
巴佛洛霉素A1(Bafilomycin A1),也称为NSC 381866,来源于灰色链霉菌(Streptomyces griseus)的一种 大环内酯类抗生素。巴佛洛霉素A1是一种强效、选择性的液泡型ATP合成酶(V-ATPase)抑制剂,在哺乳动物、植物或真菌细胞内阻断这些质子泵活性,IC50在4-400nM范围内。对大多数其他ATPase的抑制活性至少弱1000倍。Bafilomycin ...
Discard the medium and add fresh culture medium containing 100 nM bafilomycin A1 or DMSO alone (control). Culture the cells for 9 h. 3. Wash the cells once with PBS at room temperature, and after fixing for 20 min at room temperature with 4% paraformaldehyde (Wako Pure Chemical Industries...
在儿童B细胞急性淋巴白血病细胞中,低浓度Baf-A1 (1 nM)可以杀死细胞,通过靶向自噬途径的早期和晚期、线粒体,并诱导半胱天冬酶非依赖性凋亡。 [4] (二)动物实验(体内实验) 在胰腺癌移植瘤小鼠模型中,Bafilomycin A1 (1 mg/kg)在治疗21天后显著抑制肿瘤生长。[5]在B细胞急性淋巴白血病小鼠中,腹腔注射Baf-A1 ...
Bafilomycin A1 at a low concentration (1 nM) effectively and specifically inhibits and kills pediatric B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells. It targets both early and late stages of the autophagy pathway, mitochondria and induces caspase-independent apoptosis. Bafilomycin A1 induces the binding of...
HeLa cells. The IC 50 of bafilomycin A1 for inhibition of cell growth ranges from 10 to 50 nM [3]. In Vivo: Chronic treatment with low–dose bafilomycin A1 (0.1 mg/kg) slightly inhibits the tumor volume, but the final tumor volume does not differ significantly from the control. However...