原课件链接如下: http://staff.ustc.edu.cn/~lgliu/Courses/GAMES102_2020/PPT/GAMES102-6_BsplineCurve.pdf这篇继续研究参数t非均质情况下的B样条曲线,以实现“ 整段曲线的起始点与两端控制点相同”的目标,类…
三次有理B样条曲线及其应用.pdf,Advances in Applied Mathematics 应用数学进展, 2020, 9(8), 1331-1337 Published Online August 2020 in Hans. /journal/aam /10.12677/aam.2020.98157 Cubic Rational B-Spline Curve and Its Application Genzhu Bai1,2 1 Basis Departme
BSplineCurve[{pt1,pt2,…}] 是一个图形基元,表示控制点为pti的非均匀有理 B 样条曲线. 更多信息和选项 范例 打开所有单元 基本范例(1) 二维空间中一个 B 样条曲线和它的控制点: In[1]:= In[2]:= Out[2]= 三维空间中一个 B 样条曲线和它的控制点: ...
In fact, there are five Bézier curve segments of degree 3 joining together to form the B-spline curve defined by the control points. In the above, those little dots subdivide the B-spline curve into Bézier curve segments. One can move control points for modifying the shape of the curve ...
GiangPANRi-Hong Schoolof\athmaticsandComPuterScience FujianNormalUniersit Fuzhou35OOO7 AbstractInthispaper adegreereductionformulaforB-splinecurvesisdevelopedbymeansof thecoefficientmatrixofB-splinecurves.ItmakesthedegreereductionofthedegreereducibleB- splinecurveseasilyrealizedbyusingthedegreereductionformuladirectly...
带有给定切线多边形的保形非均匀b样条曲线 non-uniform cubic b-spline curve with given tangent polygon,带有给定切线多边形的保形非均匀b样条曲线 non-uniform cubic b-spline curve with given tangent polygon,non-uniform,cubic,b-spline,curve,with,given,tangent,polygon ...
B-样条曲线(B-spline Curve)总结 概述 B-样条曲线,是B-样条基函数的线性组合,是贝塞尔曲线的一般化。 给定n+1个控制点,P0,P1, ..., Pn以及一个节点向量U = { u0,u1, ..., um }, p 次B-样条曲线由这些控制点和节点向量U 定义,其公式为:...
closed-curve-1.jpg closed-curve-2.jpg closed-curve-3.jpg closed-curve-4.jpg wrapping节点 假设我们想要构建一个由n+1个控制点P0,P1, ...,Pn定义的p次闭B-样条曲线C(u) 。构建过程如下: 增加一个新控制点Pn+1=P0.因此,控制点的数目是 n+2; ...
i r 1 j 1 j j j j j 1 dj dj 1 j i r 1, , n 1 u u 1 j 1 r表示所插节点u在老节点矢量U j u u 中的重复度 j k 1 j 1 [1]Boehm, W., Inserting New Knots into B-spline Curve, Computer- Aided De...
l 准均匀B样曲线(quasi-uniform B-Spline curve):其节点序列中两端节点具有重复度k+1,而所有内节点均匀分布,具有重复度1。 l 分段Bezier曲线(piecewise Bezier curve):其节点序列中两端节点重复度与准均匀B样条曲线的相同,所不同的是所有内节点重复度为k。