活化的B细胞:CD30+(一种凋亡调节剂) 血浆B细胞:CD19-CD78+ 一个Marker基因查找数据库 http://biocc.hrbmu.edu.cn/CellMarker/ 参考文章 https://www.labome.com/method/T-Cell-Markers-and-B-Cell-Markers.html https://www.rndsystems.com/cn/research-area/b-cell-markers https://www.abcam.com/pr...
CD20 是一种在 B 淋巴细胞表面表达的蛋白,针对它开发的利妥昔单抗(rituximab),与传统化疗方案(如 CHOP)联合使用时,显著改善了 DLBCL 患者的生存状况。但遗憾的是,CD20 阴性的 DLBCL 患者却无法从这种治疗中获益,因为肿瘤细胞表面根本没有利妥昔单抗的 “停靠点”。目前,针对这一类型的淋巴瘤,还没有标准的治疗...
CD20 / MS4A1(B细胞标记)抗体,克隆L26(浓缩液),CD20 / MS4A1 (B-Cell Marker); Clone L26 (Concentrate) 其他 ScyTek公司始建于1991年,以成为世界级生命科学研究试剂生产商为目标。ScyTek从创立之初就采取了严格的原材料筛选程序,生产多种优质试剂,不断应用于各种学科,包括免疫学,组织学,细胞学,微生物学和...
CD20(B细胞)抗体,克隆L26(即用型),CD20, B-Cell; Clone L26 (Concentrate) 其他 ScyTek公司始建于1991年,以成为世界级生命科学研究试剂生产商为目标。ScyTek从创立之初就采取了严格的原材料筛选程序,生产多种优质试剂,不断应用于各种学科,包括免疫学,组织学,细胞学,微生物学和血液学等。ScyTek公司的ELISA试剂包...
We studied 61 CD20– B-cell lymphomas, including 29 cases of precursor B-cell lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoblastic lymphoma (B-ALL/B-LBL), 25 cases of CD20... PG Chu,S Loera,H Qin,... 被引量: 63发表: 2006年 Inflammatory markers in chronic hepatitis C To test the hypothesis that inflam...
原发纵隔大B细胞淋巴瘤(primary mediastinal large B cell lymphoma, PMBL)是一种起源于纵隔的成熟侵袭性大B细胞淋巴瘤,影像学上多为纵隔巨大肿物,而淋巴结和骨髓受累少见。因PMBL具有独特的临床、病理及分子学特征,2001年WHO造血与淋巴组织肿瘤...
In this work, human and murine CD20 proteins expressed in Escherichia coli are shown to be localized with the cell membrane and are purified in nondenaturing detergent solutions. The purified human and murine CD20 proteins have a substantial helical structure as measured by circular dichroism ...
This has been fuelled in part by the clinical success of B cell depletion therapies (BCDTs). Originally conceived as a method of eliminating cancerous B cells, BCDTs such as those targeting CD20, CD19 and BAFF are now used to treat autoimmune diseases, including systemic lupus erythematosus ...
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