PAX5 controls the gene regulatory circuit that leads to B cell lineage commitment. A detailed study shows that the stability of PAX5 protein is reduced by acetylation, and that SIRT7-dependent deacetylation is required for full PAX5 activity. Junli Nie Ashley P. Ng Stephen L. Nutt News & ...
B-cell commitmentPax5Flt3transcriptional repressionpro-B cellEarly B-lymphopoiesis requires the growth-factor receptors, IL-7R and Flt3, and the activity of a number of transcription factors. One factor, Pax5, is required for commitment to the B-cell lineage, althou...
Ghosn EEB, Yamamoto R, Hamanaka S, Yang Y, Herzenberg LA, Nakauchi H et al (2012) Distinct Bcell lineage commitment distinguishes adult bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 109(14):5394–5398. Godin IE, Garcia-Porrero JA, Co...
and reliable methods have not been developed. Here, we unveiled the guiding role of three essential factors, Lhx2, Hoxa9, and Runx1, the simultaneous expression of which preferentially drives B lineage fate commitment and in ...
Recent studies have elucidated cell-lineage-specific three-dimensional genome organization; however, how such specific architecture is established or maintained is unclear. We hypothesized that lineage-defining transcription factors maintain cell identit
Well-differentiated B lineage cells became undifferentiated on conditional targeting of the gene for this essential transcription factor, and the cells reacquired the potential for generating multiple non-B cell types. Thus, maintenance of lineage commitment is not a passive process. In fact, it has...
B-cell development starts in bone marrow with the commitment of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) to the B-cell lineage and ends with formation of mature B-cells in peripheral secondary lymphoid organs (the spleen). It is the sequential express...
(PSCs) is challenging, and reliable methods have not been developed. Here, we unveiled the guiding role of three essential factors, Lhx2, Hoxa9, and Runx1, the simultaneous expression of which preferentially drives B lineage fate commitment and in vivo B lymphopoiesis using PSCs as a cell ...
除上述转录因子外,尚有一类在 B 细胞及骨细 胞系发育成熟过程中发挥重要作用的转录因子— Pax5.Pax5 主要负责编码 B 细胞系特异性激活因 子(B cell lineage specific activation factor,BSAP),该 因子在 B 细胞终末成熟前均高表达于细胞内. Pax5 可与 E2A 及 EBF 协作促进前 B 细胞向早期 B 细胞的分化...
B cells impairs this lineage commitment, enabling unusual plasticity in blood cell formation. YY1 is a ubiquitous transcription factor that is capable of both activation and repression functions and plays significant roles in cell proliferation and replication, DNA repair, and the development of embryos...