根据 Terraform文档,azurerm_mssql_database支持短期备份(时间点恢复)以及长期备份。这可以通过以下内联块来管理: 块long_term_retention_policy支持以下内容: week_retention -(可选)ISO 8601 格式的 LTR 备份的每周保留策略。有效值介于 1 到 520 周之间。例如 P1Y、P1M、P1W 或 P7D。 Monthly_retention -(...
新的數據來源:azurerm_mssql_elasticpool(#3824) 新資源:azurerm_analysis_services_server(#3721) 新資源:azurerm_api_management_backend(#3676) 新資源:azurerm_batch_application(#3825) 新資源:azurerm_maps_account(#3698) 新資源:azurerm_private_dns_zone_a_record(#3849) 新資源:azurerm_storage...
with unique name as the code files in the Quickstart creates a unique string for Azure SQL ...
然后使用Terraform import命令将Azure资源导入Terraform State文件,如下所示:main.tf as you have already...
Create Azure SQL Managed Instance Azure portal, PowerShell, Azure CLI Bicep Terraform ARM template Create instance pools With user-assigned managed identity Configure Load data Tutorials Migration guides Concepts How to Samples SQL Server on Azure VMs ...
azurerm_mssql_mi ✔ azurerm_mssql_server ✔ azurerm_mssql_server_extended_auditing_policy ❌ azurerm_mssql_server_security_alert_policy ❌ azurerm_mssql_server_vulnerability_assessment ❌ azurerm_mssql_virtual_machine ❌ azurerm_mysql_active_directory_administrator ❌ azurerm_mysql_co...
azurerm_mssql_database- 現在會在彈性集區超大規模資料庫時成功建立 (#27505) azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server_configuration- 現在鎖定以防止部署多個時發生衝突 (#27355) 4.4.0 (2024 年 10 月 4 日) 增強: 相依性 - 將github.com/hashicorp/go-azure-sdk更新為v0.20240923.1151247(#27491) ...
When upgrading to v3.0 of the AzureRM Provider, we recommend upgrading to the latest version of Terraform Core (which can be found here) - the next major release of the AzureRM Provider (v4.0) will require Terraform 1.0 or later.
[MSSQLSERVER 的通訊協定內容]入口網站 點對站 VPN 點對站 (P2S) VPN 閘道連線可讓您建立從個別用戶端電腦到虛擬網路的安全連線。 點對站連線的建立方式是從用戶端電腦開始。 此解決方案適合想要從遠端位置 (例如從住家或會議) 連線到 Azure 虛擬網路的遠距工作者。 當您只有少數用戶端需要連線到虛擬網路時...
Terraform Module: If you're using Terraform, it's worth checking if there is an updated module or an open pull request that might have added MSSQL support in the Rule Collection Group resource. You can also submit a feature request on the Terraform Azure...