} depends_on = [azurerm_public_ip.hub-vpn-gateway1-pip] } resource "azurerm_virtual_network_gateway_connection" "hub-onprem-conn" { name = "hub-onprem-conn" location = azurerm_resource_group.hub-vnet-rg.location resource_group_name = azurerm_...
创建名为 的文件并插入下列代码: Terraform 复制 locals { onprem-location = "eastus" onprem-resource-group = "onprem-vnet-rg-${random_string.suffix.result}" prefix-onprem = "onprem" } resource "azurerm_resource_group" "onprem-vnet-rg" { name = local.onprem-resource-group...
Terraform on Azure 文件瞭解如何使用 Terraform 在 Azure 上可靠地佈建虛擬機器和其他基礎結構。關於Azure 上的 Terraform 概觀 關於Azure 上的 Terraform Terraform AzAPI 提供者 參考 AzureRM 提供者版本 架構 Terraform Azure 提供者 概念 比較Terraform 和 Bicep 的功能 ...
Terraform on Azure 文件 概觀 安裝和設定 安裝及設定 Terraform 安裝Azure Terraform Visual Studio Code 擴充功能 向Azure 驗證 Terraform 使用Yeoman 建立 Terraform 基底範本 將Terraform 狀態儲存在 Azure 儲存體 測試Terraform 專案 合規性測試 端對端測試 ...
Terraform in the Azure Cloud Shell We want to make it incredibly easy for you to get started with Terraform on Azure. Today, I also announced that Terraform is available to every Azure user directly in the Azure Portal via Azure Cloud Shell. The Azure Cloud Shell is a browser-based command...
Terraform in the Azure Cloud Shell We want to make it incredibly easy for you to get started with Terraform on Azure. Today, I also announced that Terraform is available to every Azure user directly in the Azure Portal via Azure Cloud Shell. The Azure Cloud Shell is a browser-based command...
使用Terraform 在 Azure 中创建带有基础结构的 Linux VM: Install Azure CLI on Windows:
FYI, theazurermTerraform Provider is the primary Terraform provider to use for deploying and managing Microsoft Azure resources, however, there are some additional Terraform providers for Azure AD, Azure DevOps, and more. For more information on the full set of Azure Terraform providers, go read...
使用Terraform 在 Azure 中创建带有基础结构的 Linux VM: Install Azure CLI on Windows: 第一种方式:Azure Provider: Authenticating using the Azure CLI 这个比较直接,首先你需要安装AzureCLI,然后运行: PS C:\lab> az login 然后会跳出来一个网页,输入你的用户名密码即可,然后你就可以愉快的使用Terraform...