Terraform is an infrastructure as code tool that lets you build, change, and version cloud and on-prem resources safely and efficiently.
Terraform is a tool for provisioning, managing, and deploying infrastructure resources. It is an open-source tool written in Golang and created by the HashiCorp company. With Terraform, you can manage infrastructure for your applications across multiple cloud providers - AWS, Azure, GCP, etc. -...
What is digital transformation? Everything you need to know The best cloud providers compared: AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and more The top 6 cheap web hosting services: Find an affordable option What is cloud computing? Here's everything you need to know ...
There are a range of backends available, including Azure Storage, Amazon S3 and more, but there is another option that handles all of the security for you, and that is Terraform Cloud. With Terraform Cloud, you can ensure your state is encrypted at rest and in transit and share the ...
Terraform Support for Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server Terraform support for Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server is now released with the latest v2.81.0 release of azurerm. The detailed reference document for provisioning and managing an Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server instan...
Deploy IaC on Azure Azure provides native support for IaC via theAzure Resource Managermodel. Teams can define declarativeARM templatesusing JSON syntax orBicepto specify the infrastructure required to deploy solutions. Third-party solutions likeTerraformthrough specific Azure providers are also available....
If you want to use Bicep or Terraform, seeBicep and Terraform deployment options. Azure Platform Landing Zones Portal Accelerator This accelerator is a ready-made deployment experience. The Azure landing zone portal accelerator deploys the conceptual architecture (see figure 1) and applies predetermined...
This is the latest GA API release and is the replacement for the previous 2023-05-15 GA release. This release adds support for the latest Azure OpenAI GA features like Whisper, DALLE-3, fine-tuning, on your data, etc.Features that are still in preview such as Assistants, text to speech...
Terraform Provider for Fabric (preview) The Terraform Provider for Microsoft Fabric is now in preview. The Terraform Provider for Microsoft Fabric supports the creation and management of many Fabric resources. For more information, see Announcing the new Terraform Provider for Microsoft Fabric. T-SQL...
Expand all|Collapse all Where should I start? What are some common use cases for Kubernetes? What are Kubernetes best practices? What is a Kubernetes deployment? How do I deploy to Kubernetes using DevOps practices? What is Kubernetes vs. Docker?